Looks like it’s a toss-up between Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom to become leader of the Conservative Party and, by default, PM. It’ll be the second female Tory leader versus zero from Labour.
I just saw Ms May interviewed on TV and have to say, even for a Tory, she seems insufferably, painfully posh, with very little of the common touch. That premature dowager’s hump doesn’t help much, either. By comparison Leadsom appears to be a little more in touch with reality, but with May she doesn’t have much to beat.
And yet Theresa appears to be a shoo-in.
Inevitably both are being compared to the sainted Maggie, a compliment to some, the kiss of death to others.
http://i.imgur.com/s4BYaLG.jpg http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36737426