The Independent needs your help again; it wants suggestions for the worst Christmas songs. I think some of the cognoscenti amongst us will be able to suggest one or two, (possibly several). I have checked a few and couldn’t face listening to some of them. Send them to
Pull the covers tight
I know we have covered covers many a time, but the Independent wants suggestions for covers that are better than the original. They suggest ‘ All Along the Watchtower’ by Jimi Hendrix. Any ideas to top10
Are you an Empathiser or a Systemiser?
Researchers from the University of Cambridge have established that your preference for particular music can provide an insight into how you think. (Get outta town!)
We are told Systemizers who favour rules and patterns in the world and who are highly organised prefer high energy stuff like punk and heavy metal whilst Empathisers like mellow reflective stuff such as folk and electronica.
It all seems a bit obvious tbh and I would be more impressed if some of the acts mentioned were not so, well, passé. As for me, I’m just gonna chill to some JJ Cale. Noggin, Dude.