I picked up a cheap copy of Hawkwind’s Space Ritual from a 2nd hand CD shop yesterday. I’m listening to it now for the first time as I’m working. My thoughts, in chronological order:
Shit. The cats have pissed on my speakers again. Or maybe my tweeters have blown. Let me guess. Lemmy mixed this. Were they performing in a missile silo? Were the recording microphones even in the same room? Is this live? There is no hint of an audience. These aren’t really ‘songs’ are they? Are all these songs just Silver Machine? (Checks cover: none of the songs are Silver Machine) Fuck yeah!! (Puts CD on repeat)
I could perhaps do without the camp sub-Dr Who spoken interludes, and I’d ask the bloke on the widdly space noise machine to maybe give it a rest every now and then, but this is an intoxicating listen and I’m sorry I didn’t pick it up earlier.