Hattie Whitehead, about whom I have raved before on these pages, has just put out her debut album, and it is an absolute peach.
What’s more, she’s just embarked upon on her first solo tour (having already been the front person for the mightily successful tour under the name of Hejira, Pete Oxley’s jazzer powerhouse band doing Joni’s music from ‘Shadows And Light’).
I had tickets for the second gig in Hattie’s tour at Bristol’s St. Georges, but was unable to attend due to an unfortunately timed monster lurgy attack, but if you live in that London, you still have a chance to see and hear her play tomorrow night in Islington.
As I write, there are still a few tickets left for her gig at The Grace, London N5, and possibly a few more on the door.
Don’t miss this opportunity to amaze your offspring by regaling them of the tale that you were there before she broke through and became a superstar.