I’ll just leave this here.
Musings on the byways of popular culture
I’ll just leave this here.
Anybody else watching the Christie’s Auction of David Gilmour’s guitars? The Les Paul Gold Top used on the solo for “Another Brick in the wall” has just gone for $360,000. His Martin D35 made $900,000 – surely a record for an acoustic, and the Serial 0001 Strat went for $1.5m.
Black strat will go highest, I’m sure, so I think the record $2m for Jimi’s strat will be broken. Maybe even the heavily signed charity strat that went for $2.7m….
Needless to say, it looks like my chances of getting “a cheap one” are greatly diminishing.
….and the answer is…..Charlie Whitney….
He used his all night…..Pagey whipped his out for one big number and put it away again…..
If a person were looking to invest a low four-figure sum in a new or pre-loved electro-acoustic – and is looking for the chance to try as many as possible – would a day spent on Denmark Street lead to thrills, shivers and a life-long love affair with the instrument of dreams?
Or is it now a tawdry parade of over-priced tat shops and best avoided?
Anybody been axe shopping recently? Any outlets to be sure to visit – or avoid?
Japanese schoolgirl band having a lot of fun with guitars.
Joyous and difficult to resist.