Hurrah, a list!
I’ve heard three of them. Get me!
Musings on the byways of popular culture
Around a year ago I wrote this rather over-excited blog post, percolating in characteristically uninhibited and exuberant fashion on a moving experience I had with music at the Coachella festival.
Long story short: I went to Coachella, saw Fred Again and found myself brought, quite without warning, to tears by a potent combination of the joy of being out of lockdown, a large, happy crowd, Fred’s rather gorgeous mental-health-positive House music and (let’s face it) what was probably a little bit of sunstroke. But it was also bittersweet – there was some sadness in there wrought of the two years we’d all just been through, the toll it had taken on a number of people I care about, and – frankly – the shit scariness of those early Covid days.
It was a show that proved to be something of a watershed moment, both for Fred and myself. In the case of the former, it established him as something of a coming force in popular » Continue Reading.
As a bank holiday treat, your boy Fred again.. is the latest contributor to the fabulous NPR Tiny Desk series. A pretty subdued set – we weren’t expecting the bonkers theatre of Chai or the infectious charisma of Lizzo or the one-big-familia parties of Natalia Lafourcada or C. Tangana – but quite luscious for all that. Also: he seems under the impression that the title means you’re supposed to incorporate the desk into the concert. Lovely!