Anyone else heard of Filmin? I feel I have to share the good news having just watched Stephen Frears’ brilliant The Hit (Terence Stamp! John Hurt! Fernando Rey! Tim Roth in his film debut) – basically a chilly British crime film in the Get Carter mold, crossed with a road-trip across scorched and parched Spanish landscapes. I’d never heard of it but Filmin recommended it after I rewatched Sexy Beast.
Other recent watches include Michael Mann’s Thief, Misery, Black Adder, Inside Number 9, Something Wild, Peter Bogdanovich’s Targets, a Peckinpah trilogy of Convoy, Straw Dogs and The Chase, the great new Vonnegut documentary, The Guns of Navarone (!), In the Heat of the Night, An American Werewolf in London, lots of Tati, and even Spielberg’s 1941 (I’ve always wanted to see it but it turns out it’s every bit as crap as its reputation).
So, basically it’s everything I hoped streaming services would be when they started – the history of film and TV all there ready and waiting for you – rather another hugely expensive identikit Netflix or HBO production (some of which admittedly have their charms).
I’ve currently got around 150 films on the ‘Saved to watch » Continue Reading.