The latest indignity as part of the fallout from Cameron’s Folly. That lovely blue oval with golden stars surrounding the proud letters GB wil have to go before I can drive across the Emerald Isle once more. The number plate, with its Euroean band and a little version of GB must also be replaced. Halfords will be chuckling all the way to the bank. Good job my passport is now a deep shade of blue.
ATM: What Movie Did I Watch Last Night?
I don’t know, see. Because the satellite movie channel here broadcasts movies with the title and the credits lopped off. I suspect this is because the channel director (who’s also responsible for feeding them into the DVD player) buys a bag of pirated DVDs in Bangkok. I sometimes see the subtitle FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION, which indicates a heavily-protected advance copy given out to awards nominators. Anyway.
I missed the first few minutes, but the story involved a couple of young nogoodniks in LA, who were both trying to get jobs while pulling off violent gang heists in LA. Didn’t recognise the actors, to my shame, but one looked like a more finely-chiselled Vinnie Jones, sort of. Close-trimmed nut. His buddy, smaller, had a bit of a greasy quiff going for him. They wore the kind of suits that low-level FBI wear, and drove a POS, possibly a Crown Vic, with black metal wheels. Greasy Quiff had a lovely girlfriend, who he was trying to impress with fake job interview arrangements. Hard Nut failed to get a job with the LAPD, but got an interview with the Feds. During this time; lowlife LA gangland, Mexican gets his throat slashed in a » Continue Reading.
ATM – Sparks
I’m enjoying the FFS album far more than I ever expected, which has forced me to look at Sparks. Notwithstanding a couple of well played 70’s singles there are twenty odd albums to plough through! Where do I start, are there two or three ‘must haves’ or am I better off getting one of the compilations? Advice please good people.
The BBC…end of the road.
Those daring young men at the BBC are planning some lovely Poverty Porn for us.
They will find “Britain’s Hardest Grafter” in a Hunger Games style show that pits low paid workers against each other, specifically targeting young graduates who haven’t found a job yet.
On BBC2 no less.
I want my licence fee back. This is not how things should be.