Yesterday while driving around, I listened to a news talk type show with people phoning in with their opinions about the day’s events.
An old-sounding bloke phoned in and started talking at some length about his son’s doctor appointment and all the logistics around that. In a croaky but upbeat voice, he took a very long time to get to the point of his call. The point being that he wanted to share a joke in a cartoon that he had read in a magazine while he was waiting for his son.
He said that the cartoon was of a delivery suite and of a doctor saying to a newborn baby “welcome to the rat race!”. Old bloke roars with laughter to polite cod-chuckling from the far-too-polite but bored rigid presenter.
FFS. Is that it? Reader, it took about 5 minutes of blathering to get there. Also the lengthy murmurings while he tried to recall the names of people that didn’t matter to the story.
But do you know what made it worse? The presenter asked his age and he said he was in his mid-50s!
In my time, countless solitary old men in pubs have talked to » Continue Reading.