I’d like to know your favourite blogs – sites that entertain and inform, even outside your comfort zone – and that might prick my media bubble. _______________ Here’s the background:
One attraction of letting myself loose on Facebook when this site crashed was discovering interesting fan groups and news sites to follow.*
But this year I realized that my FB news feed was really outside my control, somewhat random, and temporary – posts came and went and I could spend endless time scrolling for little informed enjoyment, apart from a few memes and LOLs.**
The posts I did like were the long reads – considered articles from knowledgeable posters. In search of more, I came across Feedly – a news aggregator. You select your sources, categorize them if you want, and you can create your own magazine. I’ve now found about 60, ranging from environment to politics to economics to culture to music.***
There are lots of interesting bloggers out there, plugging away at their own furrows – and not all as big as The Atlantic or London Review of Books – though both of those are good. I’d be happy to share some of the best ones I’ve » Continue Reading.