I saw this on Tim Burgess’ Twitter. I assume it is the sort of thing Afterworders would support (regardless of political persuasion). Sign/ignore as you wish.
Musings on the byways of popular culture
I saw this on Tim Burgess’ Twitter. I assume it is the sort of thing Afterworders would support (regardless of political persuasion). Sign/ignore as you wish.
Nicola Sturgeon is behaving in a statesman-like manner, holding talks with all and sundry, polishing the silver in her official residence so it gleams under all those lights and cameras and saying things in calm and assured tones. She is displaying exemplary ‘leadership’ qualities as defined by the world of politics. However, can she really retain Scotland’s place in the EU?
As far as I understand it, the UK is the member country of the EU. The UK remains in the EU until article 50 is invoked and the negotiations are completed. This process will take roughly two and a bit years. Scotland, as part of the UK, is intimately involved and would no longer be in the EU at some point deep into 2018.
Scotland could become independent from the UK. To achieve that there needs to be another referendum with the opposite result to last time. A referendum can only be triggered with the agreement of Westminster, which may take some time. Victory may well depend on the price of oil at the time of the referendum. Once the vote is for independence, there will be a period of negotiation to agree the terms of separation from the » Continue Reading.
Who is going to win the Afterword referendum? The REMAIN playlist or the LEAVE playlist? By 10pm this evening, the count will begin, and the thread with the most comments will be declared winner. This will obviously be reflected by the national vote.
I will kick off things here at REMAIN with some Chicago…
Who is going to win the Afterword referendum? The REMAIN playlist or the LEAVE playlist? By 10pm this evening, the count will begin, and the thread with the most comments will be declared winner. This will obviously be reflected by the national vote.
I will kick off things here at LEAVE with some Bessie Banks…
I am looking on with growing unease at the current EU negotiations. For British expats living in the EU, the consequences of a UK exit are horribly uncertain. My family are all Spanish residents. My kids are bilingual and in local Spanish schools. My wife is from the US and can only remain here because of my EU links. I live in a house that I have helped to build that is near worthless in the current Spanish market. But I am happy here, and I want to stay and grow old here in a place that I consider my home.
Come June, all this could change. If the UK votes to leave, nobody knows how individual member states will respond to the millions of UK expats in their midst. Spain may decide to remove residency rights, increase taxes on foreign owned assets and so on. It’s quite possible that I, along with millions of others, will be forced to return to the UK. And because I’ve been living outside the UK for more than seven years, I am not allowed to vote in a referendum that could decide my future.
All seems a bit grim, doesn’t it? » Continue Reading.