Last weekend we headed off for our first festival of the summer, attending the rather lovely Stowaway festival. It was our second year at the festival and it’s vibe is mainly ‘old cheesy quavers’ who have married, had kids and now have a nice job in marketing, but want to go out and cut some shapes like it’s 1996! Most of the line up were DJs rather than live acts and I quite enjoyed being at a festival where there wasn’t too much on the line up that I wanted to see (I did really enjoy Frenic, Waldo’s Dream and the Easy Star All Stars live, plus David Rodigan’s DJ set).
No sooner have we got back, unpacked and done the laundry for one festival, the Paws family are now getting ready to pack for our second festival. We’re heading off down to Dorset and back to End of the Road.
We’ve not been to EOTR for five years, but prior to that it was pretty much an annual event for us since 2007 (Mini Paws having celebrated her first birthday and taken her first steps there). I picked up tickets back in September last year on the hunch » Continue Reading.