My car has been written off and I need another. It was a 2009 VW Scirocco with leather heated seats. The most important feature when I bought it was the fact the stereo would play my iPod. I loved that ‘cockpit’, comfort, everything immediately to hand and fabulous music. It was the perfect car for me.
The hire car is a BMW 220i. It has a fancy ‘M’ badge, which means it has a bit of umph under the bonnet. I’ve got to grips with the stereo, though it takes more clicks to find the album I want. Radio channels are still a bit hit and miss. The satnav seems to take an age to set. Lovely woman’s voice, though. Despite, or because of the ‘M’, I find the clutch biting point woolly in first gear. It tends to dawdle in getting going. Other than that, I love it. It suits me, at my age and driving style. I looked up the price – £45k. Made me sweat. However, without the ‘M’ it starts at £25! Same shape, same size engine judging by the 220i. How does that happen? Is the ‘M’ for people wanting to do 200mph round » Continue Reading.