Friends of the blog Mr Bob and Miss Katy AKA The Disappointment Choir have a new song just into time for your letters to Santa. I’m sure that their ‘A Pretty Good Christmas’ is a staple of your seasonal listening well you can add ‘Winter Hill’ to yer play lists.
It’s also in aid of the Young Minds mental health charity so buying it can give you a warm glow like a bottle of finest malt whiskey.
For non locals Winter Hill is a prominent hilltop from which you can view the Thames Valley stretching from Marlow with it’s wrecked bridge to the heights of High Wycombe. It also happened to be ‘make-out point’ when I were a teenage werewolf. This was of course in the days when dogging was just a glint in a perverts eye. So when the pair revealed the title it set off memories that perhaps were not as wistful and ethereal as the song suggests.
Songs about peculiarly local areas thou – you got any?