Did you see their headline today? Next to a photo of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Prime Minister Teresa May is the headline “Never mind Brexit…Who won Legs-it!”.
I can imagine the wheezing guffaws from Paul Dacre’s office…and I don’t mind a shit joke in a headline – but it doesn’t make sense. What is “Legs-it”? How could you “win” “Legs-it”?
I know we can see both women’s legs in the picture – but the play on words relies totally on “legs-it” almost rhyming with Brexit. If we had Aiex Salmond next to David Cameron, seated in an alpha male knees-apart position, would it have been “Never mind Scotland – more like Scrot-Land! “
I doubt it. But even that, weak as iit is, is a joke that makes more sense than today’s effort.
My theory is that Paul Dacre came up with the joke and everyone laughed, And they had to go through with it. Hell’s teeth.