I recently came across “Now And Then” by Paul Stanley’s Soul Station, an album of classic soul cover versions (of the ilk of “Ooh Child”, “Could It Be I’m Falling In Love” and “Just My Imagination”) and a clutch of soundalike originals, essayed by the erstwhile singer-guitarist from heavy rock gods Kiss, with a crack backing ensemble, all apparently having the time of their lives.
On the reasonable assumption that Stanley is a multi-multi millionaire who doesn’t need the money, I must presume he’s using his clout to pay tribute to the music he loves, even if it’s not the music he ended up making a living from. Stanley himself looks not unlike Sylvester Stallone playing a rock star these days, and I’m sure he has no illusions as to how his undistinguished but pleasant enough voice compares to the originals like Al Green and Marvin Gaye, but it’s an enjoyable, guileless and fun album, and I’d imagine their gigs are a fantastic evening out.
So in the interests of making a thread out of this, what are the other vanity projects big stars have indulged themselves in? And did they work, or were they filed under “Let Us » Continue Reading.