Today’s blog-post is about R.G Jones Studios in Wimbledon.
Musings on the byways of popular culture
by niallb 9 Comments
Today’s blog-post is about R.G Jones Studios in Wimbledon.
Today’s blog is about Nomis Studios:
I’ve been dipping into the TV Cream website for many years now – they style themselves as a 70s & 80s pop culture repository and though they can veer into the “Spangles & Chopper bikes” nostalgia zone, I mostly find them pleasingly irreverent…
Years ago they published a top 100 singles list, and have recently updated it… they’re not clear on how it was arrived at, though the comments clearly indicate some kind of voting system, but it’s a pleasingly bonkers celebration of 70s/80s pop & rock, and probably more diverse than many “cooler” charts out there… I’d also wager there’ll be a few “blimey, I’d forgotten about that” moments to be had too, especially in the YT clips they provide…
It might just be a bit too-uncool-for-school for us Afterworders, but I’d like to think it might also be a bit of an antidote to the angst-y handwringing we can sometimes be guilty of in analysing our listening likes & dislikes…
Top 10 in the comments (the number 1 might raise a few eyebrows), and the whole list is at the link, enjoy and have at it (and remember, don’t have nightmares…)
For whatever reason certain names from the world of sport never seem to crop up anymore, whether through underachievement at the time or perhaps a subsequent misdemeanour. They may be minor figures you half-remember from childhood for instance.
I’m going to kick off with the 70s tennis player Buster Mottram, a great American name only lessened by the fact he was English. Shame about his politics.