I’ve recently noticed that The Afterword remains remarkably free of those fascinating news stories often tucked away in mainstream media, possibly deemed unworthy of the attention of their news hungry readers. This must change. The site has to bring itself into the 21st century and embrace the new.
In a bout of sheer selflessness I have taken it upon myself to kickstart (hey!) this initiative and invite you all to come to the party – if you can temporarily drag yourselves away from Mail Online.
The guidelines are simple. I am the Managing Editor and no one questions anything I say, write or do. You lot are a combination of a few underpaid subs and a substantial number of interns (unpaid, of course). I have given much thought (clickbait generator, Moi? Heaven forefend) to the article titles suggested below and it is your job to flesh them out. Cut ‘n Paste any one or more that appeals and articulate with meaningful, objective copy. Too hard? ‘kay. Define your own title (if you think you can do better) and Phil Space is your uncle.
Your endeavour will not go unreward. Prizes for the best news items selected in closed conference » Continue Reading.