Glastonbury 2023 is underway. The weather looks great. Any AW’s down there? Who should we be looking out for?
Cider bottles in the hedge
I have loved this song for 40 years. Although it came out in late ’71 I didn’t find it until that never ending summer of ’76. In fact, I didn’t find it. It found me. My best mate, Des, had moved into town in ’74. He was a student at the local Tech and we had met in the pub, found we had the same taste in music, beer and women, and had become firm, life-long friends. In ’76 I had a few months between jobs. In fact we were both working for an agency, so found ourselves with plenty of August afternoons, sitting in the garden of his shared house, stereo blaring out of the window, drinking big bottles of cider and making each other laugh. This song, from an album that he love, was a big part of that soundtrack, that summer. As each cider bottle was emptied it was launched into the hedge behind us. The trick was to get it to lodge in the hedge, rather than fall out. The more drunk we got, the funnier the whole thing was. We were 19, not a care in the world. Now look at us. The fact that » Continue Reading.