I really enjoy The Analogues and their note perfect renditions of the Beatles catalogue so it was a nice surprise when I came across Leonid & Friends who are a Russian/Ukrainian/Molodovan/Belarusian band who specialise in covering music by Chicago. I was a big fan of Chicago back in the day, particularly their first 5 albums, and Leonid & Friends cover their music with astonishing skill and attention to detail. They also cover Earth Wind & Fire superbly. Well worth checking out on YouTube.
Terry Kath
For no particular reason, I was browsing Amazon music, and searched for Chicago, to find that today is the 39th anniversary of Terry Kath’s death. I was, if not a vast fan, partial to Chicago, up to around Chicago 6, but moved on. I’d always thought that Kath’s death had led to Chicago moving from jazz-rock to MOR, but looking at the track listings of their last few album, when he was still alive, I see that they had already gone In that direction. Anyway, bet that as it may, a sad and pointless loss. Don’t play with guns. kids.
The REMAIN playlist
Who is going to win the Afterword referendum? The REMAIN playlist or the LEAVE playlist? By 10pm this evening, the count will begin, and the thread with the most comments will be declared winner. This will obviously be reflected by the national vote.
I will kick off things here at REMAIN with some Chicago…
Cooking on gas!
Friday night and I’m shattered from the working week. Mrs. B is in the bath with loads of bubbles, both in the bath and in her glass. I’m cooking pasta, with a thick, sticky ragu. I have a particularly good Chilean Cab Sav on the go. Sufjan is filling the house with Chicago vibes.
What’s cooking in your gaff?