On the thread ‘Hits that weren’t hits’ there are references to famous, classic songs that were not hits when they were first released, like ‘Heroes’. This made me think of original, negative reviews of records that went on to be considered classics. I find such less than complementary opinions quite refreshing and fascinating. They at least feel honest as opposed to unquestioned installation in the canon and general hagiography. This is from Charlie Gillett about Bowie’s much admired opus about lovers and the Berlin wall:
“Well he had a pretty good run for our money, for a guy who was no singer. But I think his time has been and gone, and this just sounds weary. Then again, maybe the ponderous heavy riff will be absorbed on the radio, and the monotonous feel may just be hypnotic enough to drag people into buying it. I hope not.”
Can you think of any more like this?