It had to happen eventually. So the the most ubiquitous of all Charity Shop albums, the one you can find on Vinyl in pretty much every Chazzer, every Car Boot, every 2nd hand shop and pretty much anywhere now gets the Super Deluxe treatment. There must have been warehouses full of unsold copies released into the wild, maybe they breed in captivity, for some reason they are everywhere. Yep, No Parlez, on purple vinyl and signed by the man himself for 23 quid – for that you could probably get 50 copies of the original vinyl at current Charity Shop prices.
God help me I’m enjoying Elbow
Behind an old shoe rack, hidden underneath a rail of clothing, and at the very back of a box of the usual Bygraves et al, yesterday in a charity shop I found three modern records on vinyl; something by a guy going under the name Sohn (sparse indie electronica I believe, although I haven’t heard it yet), the debut album by Glasvegas (destined for eBay, ker-ching!), and lastly The Seldom Seen Kid by Elbow.
Maybe it’s my new system, perhaps it’s because the Elbow album is spread over two 45rpm LPs, maybe I’m just coming down with something, but I’m really, really enjoying it, despite being very Elbow-averse until now. I always had them down as bland pap at best, annoying anthem writers at best. Too bad I’ve promised it to my brother in law.
Has anyone here experienced such an instant turnabout in their opinion of an artist by y’know, actually listening to them? I’m sure we’d all love to hear about it.
Charity shop bargains
Boot sale season has now drawn to close round here, and my attention has turned to the local chazzas for seeking musical (and other) bargains. I’ve found that dropping in regularly, when I happen to be passing, has yielded good results; it means that I can have a rifle through the newly put out records before other cheapskates have got their filthy paws on the loot.
Standout finds over the last week are a lovely clean copy of the Cure’s Boys Don’t Cry LP last Saturday, and late yesterday afternoon on the way to get a haircut Bob and the Wailers’ Exodus on LP and two great jazz CD sets from Proper: Art Blakey and Tubby Hayes The Tubby set is missing one out of the 4 discs, but the extensive booklet is still there and all finds were just £2 each, so I’m not complaining.
How about you? Found any good bargains lately, musical or otherwise?
The good buy.
I’ve just bought a boxset of the first five series of this in a charity shop for £12. I’ve never seen a single second of it prior to purchasing the aforementioned boxset. Is it any good? Will I enjoy it? Any other boxset recommendations apart from the glaringly obvious ones?