Here’s a final bump for the latest round of the CD/No CDs required Swap. On the original thread there is a lively and helpful discussion about how actual IRL objects like CD burners and blank CDs are no longer required though of course still very much allowed. You will still need some WAV/mp3/lossless whatever music files but with the aid of mp3 tag and wetransfer you can now take part from anywhere in the world, and without relying on the mailman.
If you are still not clear what we’re on about then the rules of CD/NoCDswap are in the original post. In a sentence we set a theme, you burn 12 anonymous tracks around this theme, you send them to some people. They send you theirs, you review theirs here and they review yours. Tons of fun especially with the reveals.
Two new and essential pieces of information: deadline if you’ve not signed up is this Sunday (30th). From then on @kid-dynamite will be putting you all into groups and the selecting and burning/drop-boxing can begin.
Secondly: we have a theme! Desire.
It could be a girl, or a guy, but also maybe » Continue Reading.