After the musical version, let’s do the literary version. I have just started Beyond The Wub, the Collected Short Stories vol 1 of Philip K Dick. I finished reading all 40-odd science fiction and non-SF novels about a year ago, which I read at about 3 a year. So give me another couple of years to do the short stories (5 chunky vols) and it’ll be back to The Cosmic Puppets. I’ve just read The Wind from Nowhere (completists qualifier – out of print and later disowned by JG) and am set sail on my first (sadly) complete read-through of JG Ballard’s novels, after finishing the Complete Short Stories. I have every novel by Douglas Coupland, WG Sebald, Bret Easton Ellis, Iain Banks (sf only), Michael Faber and Don Delillo. Which authors do you collect/read through systematically.
Film Logging Sites
Say what you like about lastfm (and with their last redesign a lot of people did), it does a pretty competent job of pulling together your itunes, spotify and other digital playcounts into one library. I’ve been searching for some time for a site to do the same library job for films. Clearly not via scrobbles, but somewhere you could remind yourself of what you had and wanted to see. Now there’s which I’ve been playing about with for a week. Dead easy to create lists, enter films, sort via release date, watch date etc. But – big but perhaps – it doesn’t do TV shows. So in terms of trying to build up that watched list – chiefly for myself but possibly public – is the answer? It looks nice and as far as I can see is not owned by Amazon. So why not IMDB? – because its lists looks awfully like an Amazon wish list, and doesn’t have any of the graphical chops letterboxd has. Though it has TV. Anyone list on IMDB and would like to argue for it before I commit my silver screen data entry time to letterboxd? Or is there another site » Continue Reading.