I have some beautiful things in my life. My wife, family and friends, for a start. My health which, despite the current set-back, has kept me going this past 59 years. I live in a nice part of the country, with rivers and valleys and green spaces. And I can travel to other nice parts of this beautiful country, or even abroad, because I am lucky enough to have the means to do so.
After a few days that I would rather forget, I was putting together a playlist of music I consider beautiful. This cropped up. Not just the song, but this performance of it. I have loved the song since 1985, when I waited for the HMV store in Woking to open it’s doors, on the day the album (A Capella) was released. No, it is this performance that grabbed me, with the addition of the orchestra (Todd sings all of the backing arrangement on the original,) that, despite the downbeat lyric, makes this a thing of beauty for me.
So, what else ya got? What music would you describe as a thing of beauty.