To my great delight, this morning a Brazilian pal tipped me off about a version of Yellow Submarine by Bloco do Sargento Pimentaa. They are a Rio de Janeiro samba combo who transform the Beatles Songbook into joyous explosions of tropical rhythm. At their gigs many of their fans dress up appropriately and it all results in quite a party.
It’s Shrove Tuesday next week and so it’s Carnival Time in many places, not least in Brazil, the Caribbean and Germany.
As we all know, many of the denizens of the Afterword are wild and crazy party animals. Bachanalian beasties, just itching to caste off their inhibitions and throw themselves into a moshpit of manic merrymaking!
Now’s your chance to share your favourite Carnival party tracks.
Hot! Hot! Hot! Manha de Carnaval! Iko Iko!