Sir Harry Lauder has a lot to answer for – the Music Hall original who spawned possibly the most awful musical genre bar none, well, bar prog perhaps. But I need your help.
There was (possibly still is) a Scottish (maybe Irish?) male vocalist/entertainer who had a pretty unique vocal style or perhaps inflection is a better description. He had a habit of reaching high notes, sustaining the lyric in a crescendo and then ‘slurring’ the final word – almost as though the effort of sustain was too much and was vocally relieved to have reached the end. It was a horrible, misplaced sound – a bit like clearing your throat and gobbing! Does this make sense? In rockular terms it’s much as a guitarist would ‘crash’ a final chord and slide the chord shape down the neck in a flourishing coda.
If anyone can help, please post a single YouTube clip here. As a reward I promise I will not post any more examples as I do not wish to ruin anyones Easter.