No doubt non musos around here were baffled by Johnny C’s recent reference to ‘sus chords’. I don’t use the phrase myself (they’re suspended chords), but Australians (Aussies) are big on abbreviations (abbrevos?) e.g. barbies, tinnies, ‘this arvo’, etc…
So, having kicked the jargon into touch, let this man – ironically, an Australian – explain what such chords are and give examples. He does so very well. Once your brain has assimilated what they sound like, let us hear any great, or better still unusual, examples of the suspended chord in music.
Caveat: I’m banning all examples from The Who and U2 otherwise there’d be no room for anyone else.
I’ll allow the ‘honorary suspended chord’, the greatest example of which is probably ‘Alright Now’, which goes from A to a sort of D, but the sort of D sounds like a sort of A sus4.
Over to you…