FINALLY!! After eleven dreary, frozen, uphill weeks, JANUARY 2025 is OVER!!
So, please, gather round and share with us – what have you been listening, watching, reading, or otherwise getting up to ?
Musings on the byways of popular culture
FINALLY!! After eleven dreary, frozen, uphill weeks, JANUARY 2025 is OVER!!
So, please, gather round and share with us – what have you been listening, watching, reading, or otherwise getting up to ?
Happy New Year!
Come away in, help yourself to some tea or coffee, plenty mince pies left, and a few slices of black bun. Have a seat and please tell us all – what have you been listening to / watching / reading or otherwise using to distract yourself from the grim realities ?
HO! HO! HO!!!!
Come, gather round by the tree, help yourself to a sherry, or a mulled wine, or a sparkling water, and tell us – what have you been listening to, reading, watching or otherwise losing yourself in recently?
And – is there anything coming up we should be aware of ?
It’s November, already! Gather round, please, and share with us what you have been up to this last month
Come all ye! I’ve got a blazing bonfire in the back, there, potatoes baking underneath, mind your hands if you try to pull one out. There’s hot drinks in the flasks over by, cold beers and assorted soft drinks in the cooler under the table, wine on the table itself. Please, dig in, make yourselves at home, grab a stick to roast some marshmallows and then tell us all – what have you been up to this last month ? and is there anything coming up we should know about ?
First Friday of a new month, you all know the drill – HUT! HUT!!
(Bilko reference because I remembered describing my organisation of work travel across Southern England so that I could go to see Wilko Johnson at a Word event at the Lexington as “Bilko-ing my way to see Wilko)
What have you been listening to, watching, reading, or otherwise indulging in this past month ?
Apologies for the delay in firing the starting pistol for this edition of the gathering, Friday was disrupted by “stuff”.
Nonetheless, we are all here now and I hope you are ready to share what you have been up to over the last month, and if there is anything coming up we should be aware of
Come away in, please leave your wet boots on the newspapers there, take off your oilskins and hang them on the drying rack, then help yourself to a cup of soup and sit by the fire to tell us – where the hell has summer gone ? And, what have you been listening to, watching, reading, or otherwise distracting yourself with since we last caught up?
We appear to be heading in to late Autumn. Summer flies by so quickly!
Gather round the bonfire, help yourself to a baked potato and whatever fillings you like, a warming drink, and then tell us, please – what have you been listening to, reading, watching, and is there anything coming up we should know about?
Cautiously, I think we can agree that we are not entering Literally Spring – the daffodils have been and gone, the bluebells are out, and there is more than a rustle in the hedgerow.
So, gather round the picnic table, help yourself to some cider or some apple juice – it’s a little too early in the day for Calvados but that will be along soon enough – grab a bite to eat from the hamper and please tell us : what have you been up to this month ? And is there anything coming up we should be aware of ?
Welcome to this special False Spring edition of Blogger Takeover. Actual Spring will be with us, in the fullness of time, but in the meantime batten down the hatches, put sandbags out to help minimise the impact of impending floods, and please tell us all – what have you been listening to, watching, reading, or otherwise using to distract yourself from waves hands ALL THIS?
Welcome to a very special Saint David’s Day Blogger Takeover. Please come in, help yourself to a cup of tea and some Bara Brith, or a glass of Brains if you’d rather, and tell us all – what have you been listening to, watching, reading, or otherwise using to divert yourself from grim reality ?
As today is a special day, an optional bonus question – what’s your favourite record made by people from the Principality ?
It is the first Friday of a new month, so, by the powers vested in me by the Old Gods and the New Gods, I welcome you all to step forward and share what you have been listening to, reading, watching, and anything else you have been using to help you through Dry Veganuary
It is the first Friday of a new month, a New Year, so please come in, help yourself to the leftover cheeses and oatcakes, pour a glass of whatever you like (we always seem to have port left over, or there’s sparkling water, too).
Please tell us – what have you been listening to, reading, watching, and – have you made any resolutions for the year ahead?
All best wishes to everyone for a better and brighter 2024
It is the first Friday of a new month, and propitiously, also the first day of a new month. Please come in, help yourself to some chocolate from the Christmas Tree, pour yourself a suitable libation from the sideboard, gather round the roaring log fire and tell us all – what have you been listening to, watching, reading, or otherwise distracting yourself from …. all this ?
It is the day before the first Friday of a new month, and I may not be online on Friday, so – please gather round, hang up your wet coats and hats, help yourself to a cup of something warming and tell us all – what have you been listening to / watching / reading this month, and is there anything coming up we should know about ?
It is the first Friday of a new month, so we all know what we need to do.
Come away in, help yourself to a glass of something refreshing, warm yourself by this roaring candle and tell everyone – what have you been reading, watching, listening to this month? and is there anything else you would like to share?
It is the first Friday of a new month (right now this is true in Melbourne if not literally true here in autumnal Glasgow. Nonetheless, please come in, gather round the firepit, help yourself to a bite to eat and a glass of whatever suits, and tell us all – what have you been listening to, watching, reading, or otherwise using to pass the time ?
And is there anything coming up that we should know about ?
It is the first Friday of the new month, so, please, all gather round and tell us what you have been listening to, watching, reading, or otherwise passing your time.
And – is there anything coming up that we should all be aware of ?
With all kinds of cricketing malarkey going on, it is splendidly daft that we celebrate the Century edition here of the perennial favourite.
“Raises bat, waves all round*
So, please, come in, help yourself to the fancy sandwiches with the crusts cut off, a glass of Pimms, or a lemonade, and tell us all – what have you been listening to, watching, reading, or otherwise using to divert yourself from the humdrum world ?
The sun is shining, come on in to the garden, help yourself to something from the picnic table, and have a seat in the shade to tell us all about what you’ve been listening to, reading, watching – and what else is going on ?
Welcome! Come away in! What have you been listening to, or reading, or watching ? Is there anything else going on we should know about ?
The sun is shining, sleepy bees are buzzing gently around, so, please, come in to the garden party, help yourself to some snacks from the table and a drink from the icebox, and please share with us all what you have been up to in the last month
Springing in to March – please gather round and share what you have been listening to, watching, reading or otherwise occupying yourself with.
It is the first Friday of the month, for real. So – please gather round and share what you have been enjoying in the last month. And is there anything else we should know ?