‘Made in England’ is a fascinating new documentary, hosted by Martin Scorsese, about the films of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, particularly those released under the Archers label. Their films were unique, innovative and influential. They made films they wanted to make, rather than under studio instructions, so took risks with little regard to box office success. The result was a group of brilliant, unforgettable films, including ‘The Red Shoes’, ‘Black Narcissus’, ‘The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp’, ‘A Canterbury Tale’ and ‘A Matter of Life and Death’. Turns out that Scorsese worked for a number of years with Michael Powell and got to know him well. Any Powell & Pressburger fans in The Afterword? Have you yet seen ‘Made in England’?
Helen and Rob
Anyone else gripped? My money is on Jess coming good and the circumstances of Henry’s conception being aired. I don’t think I can stand much more of Rob whatever the outcome. Apparently the actor is leaving so I guess one way or the other Ambridge will be rid of him.