Just cleaning the kitchen on a rainy Sunday afternoon, listening to Ash`s Intergalatic Sonic 7`s.. ( Note to self, add to The Greatest Greatest Hits thread) and the following popped up which got me thinking, have you heard any non Bond Bond themes?
Apologies for possibly starting a Youtube clipl heavy thread/
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Heres the Ash…
And heres some Eurovision
David Bowie – Lady Grinning Soul
Ooh, yes!
Yes! I always imagined this playing as credits roll up, moments after a suitably explosive final scene and Bond walking away into the sunset
A fantastic tune. The wailing vocal, piano, guitar at the end
This is the one that immediately comes to mind….
Never knowingly heard any Joe Bonamassa before. Very good indeed!
Calexico – Black Heart
Samples John Barry and the negation of “Nobody does it Better” style Bond.
This one was intended to be a theme, but delivered too late.
Alice Cooper – The Man With The Golden Gun
I’ve always put Goldfrapp’s Time Out from the World into this category.
Pretty much anything from Felt Mountain would work
The album version has strings that really add to the Bond-vibe but this version is magnificent…
For a second go, there’s a bit in the middle of this that always had me thinking Bond, along with the dramatic chord changes. The lyrics would need some work.
Then there’s this. Magnificent
Me Sir, me Sir.
The Hellecasters. “Danger Man”.
Roger Moore gets chased by a deranged one eyed bald man with a silver skull cap while he’s jet skiing off the coast of Hawaii, with a beautiful girl perched on his shoulders
I always thought Bjork’s Play Dead would be a fine choice
Excellent idea.
Seconded. I was coming here to post that, but it was already used in the fillum The Young Americans (no, me neither). Is it allowed?
Well. It was written for the movie.
Co-written and produced by David Arnold who scored five Bond movies so obviously the correct answer.
And for the the recent gloomy Daniel Craig era, a recent Peter Gabriel
Another one that was intended, but not selected:
Blondie – For Your Eyes Only
Lana Del Ray – Born To Die
(might also work as a Bond film title too)
More Goldfrapp – Utopia
There are several tracks on ‘Tales Of Us’ that are Bond-esque. ‘Stranger’ in particular, with the orchestral bit.
This would be my top choice for a Goldfrapp Bond theme. Lovely Head would probably work too
There are a few tracks on Felt Mountain that could be Bond Themes or at least incidental music in Bond movies.
St Vincent got her audition for the next Bond film in early on her latest album.
Telepopmusik’s Love’s Almighty – perhaps the best unexpected “find” on a Word CD
Largely because I think they missed a trick by not asking Billy, surely a more natural heir to Shirley Bassey than Morten’s lot or the UOTSH, but, like a lot of his stuff, it does have that sophisticated European atmos:
(Billy Mackenzie/Steve Aungle – The Soul That Sighs)
Probably a bit more obvious, but this as well then
The greatest Bond theme that never was.
And a couple more minutes of those beautiful strings which could have closed a Bond film
Even Afterword favourite Steven Wilson has been getting into the JB groove of late
I think this is the stripped down version from the Mornington Crescent Companion EP, but try to imagine a John Barry horn arrangement and Shirley Bassey belting this one out:
you beat me to posting this, glad to see someone else thinks of My Life Story
one of Jake’s tracks rom his Exile Inside project
or purely instrumental the track the band used to play before coming onstage
Wasn’t going to post this as it seemed too obvious, but I don’t think anyone has mentioned it:
(Moloko – The Time Is Now)
Step forward, Roy Wood…
Late to the party here. Here’s Shirley
or maybe
Also late to the party. James Bond corners the bad guy in Wigan Casino:
Yowza, when the Basseyesque vocals kick in at the 4:10m mark.
What a thoroughly enjoyable thread! Full of interesting and enjoyable surprises!
I’d like to see the Bond producers being a little more daring and using an artist who is slightly outside the Bond box.
John Shuttleworth for example.
Q would probably vote for John Otway.
The sophisticated Euro-lounge sounds of Nouvelle Vague would suit 007 very nicely in my honest opinion.
Finally, of course, there’s Half Man Half Biscuit.
Oblong of Dreams! It even sounds like a Bond film!