Any plans for the weekend? I’m happy to say I do not. Mrs. T is going to the theatre on Saturday so I’m home alone with a good movie, subtitles on and guitar in hand. I’ve been relatively busy lately so a bit of idleness will be welcome. How about yous?
My tip – there’s a nice documentary about the making of “Wildflowers” by Tom Petty on Prime. Very watchable.
Have a good one.
Been out to three concerts this week, so it’s feet up and a glass or two of red, or maybe Ovaltine and digestive biscuits.
In a supreme act of dullness, even by my standards, I will be washing the kitchen walls and ceiling.
We’ve had carpenters in the house this week, replacing open shelving (i.e. dust traps) with doored units, taking out a worktop from an alcove and replacing with full-height fridge/freezer and pull-out larder cupboard thingy, and replacing doors and draw fronts.
I spent last weekend moving a light switch and a power outlet.
As soon as they’re finished, I’ll take a couple of days off over a long weekend, and repaint the ceiling and walls. It never ends!
Living the dream right there Steve. I need to redo the seals round the kitchen worktops but I’m saving it for a special occasion.
Like all building work, it feels like it will never end until, suddenly, it is all over and everything is better. Right now, after a week of eating toast and microwave meals standing up, it feels like it will never end. They finish on Tuesday (fingers crossed).
News update: I hadn’t washed the kicthen walls since the first lockdown and, after three years, the water left in the bucket on Saturday looked like something Therese Coffey would ask Anglian Water to pump into the river Orwell. Ewww.
Cupboards and drawers back, but two still have no handles, and we have a fridge again. Chippy is coming back next week.
Hoping for some dry weather, as I’d like to finish repointing bricks on the wall of the back yard, and painting another exterior wall which has been rerendered.
Heading back to Puglia from Sardinia. Nightmare journey – overnight ferry from Cagliari to Naples then a four hour drive. Sunday will be spent recovering.
I just yesterday came across the comedian Diane Morgan’s comic character Philomena Cunk. I’d never before heard of either and found the couple of videos I saw pretty hilarious. I intend to check out some more.
You are in for a great viewing experience.
If you can, you should try her sitcom Mandy next.,
Excellent, will do, thanks.
Then Motherland, then The Cockfields! Everything she’s involved in turns to magic.
See also … After Life
Great, thanks, will check them all out as she’s brilliantly funny. How come I’d never heard of her before? (I know the answer to that – I don’t have a telly, don’t live in the UK and am unaware of what’s going on in my own life half the time, let alone the outside world.)
Yes! Motherland was brilliant.
Been in Malmö all week and still am. No car and a small city means equalling about 15k steps a day, so Friday, after a bowl of rather good ramen, is rewatching some old on Amazon prime with the best System Bollaget can offer. Bliss. Pie and mash at Malmö’s finest, Marvin, tomorrow and a return trip to Malmöhus, the castle/museum/art gallery/aquarium. Home on Sunday.
Eldest daughter’s 13th birthday party tomorrow – 6 friends and her are doing a hand lettering course, eating pizza and cake, which she baked today. In the evening there’s a talk with Neville Brody on the Blitz Club and New Romantics at one of Bonn’s art galleries, but I might be ‘teened out’ by then, and happy to crash out with a good book.
Been on a planerings dag with work. Overnight in a pleasant hotel overlooking Lake Siljan in Dalarna, Sweden. Group discussion on new ways of working. Dinner, lunch and breakfast. A music quiz which my team won as everyone expected since I am known for my ability to name that tune and band in several seconds, not so unusual among present company. A game of pool then bed then woke up to more work stuff. A lovely time with lovely people. Most of them female and half my age. Back home and I am alone for 2 nights as wifey is in Stockholm for a girls weekend. So I am re-watching the excellent Stones doc Ole Ole Ole and drinking a glass of red.
Evening all. I’ve been cooling my heels for a month or so but after drinking a second refreshing cup of camomile tea I thought I’d check in with y’all. I as usual have nothing compelling on my weekend agenda. I’ve just installed a new streamer so I shall spend the days enjoying the hell out of that. Hope you’re all in fine fettle and hello to those brave souls who have recently volunteered for active duty. ✌️
Lovely to see you P. Tried the new Emma Rawitz album? Superb.
Wotcha. Yep it’s rather splendid. Currently got my dainty lugholes enraptured by an album called Vidrio from an ensemble called Titanic. It’s intriguing.
Ta I’ll investigate!
Careful as you go. As you should know I have the musical predilections of the slightly deranged. I’ve also recently discovered a combo called The Lovecraft Sextet the very existence of such a project has unsurprisingly caused mirth unbounded. Same geezer who’s behind Bong -Ra, The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble and The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation.
*cough* she may be appearing next spring at a venue I may have a little to do with. Glad you guys rate her.
Who, Emma? Yes, really great live.
Oddly enough, I was going to check in with you this weekend, so you’ve saved me a job.
You can’t leave me hanging with just “a new streamer” – wotcha got? I borrowed a Chord Co interconnect a couple of weeks ago, and now I can’t see myself giving it back. Gulp.
Evening Steve. I’ve succumbed to the seductive charms of the Eversolo DMP A-6 which is a comely block of aluminium. Funny you should mention The Chord Company as I have a usb cable from them arriving tomorrow. I’ve been using their cables for a while. Good build quality at a fair price imho.
“Eversolo DMP A-6”
*Rubs thighs*
I avidly concur. It’s really rather well put together. I’m saving up for a largish SSD card so I can start burning my CDs into the internal storage. I hooked up an external DVD/CD drive to it yesterday and everything worked as smooth as silk. It found the album meta data and cover art in a couple of seconds so spending hours inserting/burning/ejecting little silver discs hopefully will take my mind off Christmas.
Lots of fireworks. Just been to my son’s school event and tomorrow off to Abingdon Airfield for what is described as the UK’s biggest fireworks event.
We went last year and it was very impressive with fireworks accompanied with a laser show and music by Kate Bush.
This kind of event needs ELP’s Fanfare for The Common Man but I fear that tune is not in the knowledge of the organisers!
We are continuing our lower league odyssey by checking out Gay Meadow for the first time – AKA the New Meadow now – and seeing Shrewsbury Town play Reading. Hoping to get to Edgeley Park for Stockport and to Northampton later on in the season.
I will be seeing the mighty Altrincham give a goal away in the first two minutes against Southend, and then, if things go spectacularly well, fight back for a brave 1-1 draw.
I’ll be watching the mightyish Hampton And Richmond v Maidstone Utd. I think I’d settle for a draw. Sunday afternoon will be spent getting our camper van ready for a weekend trip to Winchester next weekend, which was decided upon as Mrs L wants to check out the first weekend of its Christmas market. I’m more looking forward to it as we’ll hopefully have a nice lunch out.
My friend used to go and watch H&R when he lived in Teddington, hence I know their nickname is the Beavers. He now lives on the south coast and so follows the Mackerel Men of Worthing. Non-league nicknames really are a joy to behold.
Yep, Hampton’s ground is in Beaver Close which even in itself sounds like the punchline to a joke. Back in the days of premium rate clubcall phone numbers (for fixture news and reports etc) Hampton actually called theirs the Beaverline. I would genuinely love to know how many disappointed callers there were…
For a change absolutely nothing, so that probably means going to a local town tomorrow to browse the charity shops and have lunch then sup wine with a movie in the evening. Things have been a bit full on lately and there are worse ways to spend the weekend.
Working at the sewerface all weekend.
It’s that grim head down period between my birthday (me and Bri Cameron, like peas in a pod we are, proving that horoscopes are an exact science) and that winter solstice-adjacent festival that shall not be named..
Dancing tonight, though..
Due to meet up with the chaps. The four of us meet up twice a year but as we are spread a little far and wide we find a central point to catch up/have a pint/talk bollocks. We’d already booked train tickets to London, so tomorrow will be trying to avoid people protesting about other people protesting. I think Hampstead or Primrose Hill pubs beckon. Sunday shall be a recovery day.
Working on Sunday, so Saturday will be spent washing, cleaning, cooking, washing up, and possibly assembling an IKEA piece. Then being lazy all evening.
Unless I “get out of bed on the wrong side”, in which case being lazy will take up all day!
All in favour of lazy.
As it turned out, so was I!
ThoughtBubble comic con in Harrogate. The lad’s cosplaying the Ice Cream Man. Not an Ice Cream Man – THE Ice Cream Man.
What a moment to enquire. It’s a full day tomorrow, cause it’s ….(drum roll) …. Audlem Bagpipe and Hurdy Gurdy Day. I know; it comes round so quick. I will cycle there in the morning, spend the afternoon in the pub, then jump on a train to Chester for an Autumn Trilogy, another annual event, this one laid on by the good folk who organise Chester Folk Festival.
Sunday starts with an online sing, followed by multiple Zooms with my international family. Somewhere in the middle of that will be my weekend treat of liver and bacon.
Saturday – bit of hoovering/cleaning/laundry in the morning. Taking some flowers up to the cemetery, then a roughly 5k walk which will take me past a coffee shop. Back home, bit o’ cooking.
Sunday – no plans at all, although I’m expecting a visit from eldest grand-daughter, who likes to keep an eye on me. Probably a bit of bass or guitar playing.
No plans for either evening…bit of reading and music listening, unless there’s something exceptional on the box. A wee whisky and bed, probably with a book.
Off down the coast for a week at the none-more-Aussie-sounding Digger’s Camp, where we’ve rented a fibro beach shack a couple of km down a dirt road. There will be walking, loafing, reading, eating and drinking in various combinations. Looks like it’s going to rain a fair bit, which is fine because we’ll be surrounded by eucalypt forest, and we’d rather be damp than smoked out and waiting on the beach for the navy to collect us…
Teenage Fanclub at the Leadmill tomorrow.
It’s very autumnal here in Stockholm right now so the weekend is time for long walks to enjoy the colours of all the leaves.
This afternoon I was particularly delighted to suddenly come across this leafy piano standing in the trees just a stone’s throw from Eriksdalsbadet, our favourite outdoor swimming pool.
I thought of Macarthur Park with a piano rather than a cake. I thought of Kaurismäki’s latest film: Fallen Leaves. And of course I thought of Jacques Prevert’s song which inspired the name of the film.
And then I remembered I was going to the Fasching Jazz Club on Sunday Night with DuCool and Teutonic Tim to see one of the most remarkable bands I have ever experienced. Australia’s Pride: The Necks.
Every performance is different as every performance is improvised.
When DuCool described them to me, I did not believe their music could work. Tomorrow will be the 4th time I’ve seen them. I anticipate a magic evening.
Teutonic Tim sounds as if he should come on in to this site.
A bit of reading (the most recent Arkady Renko Russian detective book from Martin Cruz Smith “Independence Square” and finished Barbara Thompson’s autobiography “Journey To A Destination Unknown”) , quite a bit of streaming (Louis Armstrong – “Satchmo At Symphony Hall”, Duke Ellington, John Coltrane – “Duke Ellington & John Coltrane”, Charlie Christian – “Solo Flight-The Genius Of..” (compilation), Kurt Rosenwinkel – “The Next Step”, Herbie Hancock – “Maiden Voyage”, Dizzy Gillespie – “Afro” and The Necks “Travel”) and also played John Zorn “Pellucidar – A Dreamers Fantabula”, Various – “Klezmer Musicians Against The Wall”, Gilad Atzmon & The Orient House Ensemble – “The Whistle Blower” and Gong – “Roanne-Club Arc En Ciel Live” from my digitised library.
Visited my late nephew Chris’s grave, along with my sister, my great-niece and a bunch of my late nephew’s ex- school friends on Saturday. Rememberance parade and service this afternoon at 2.45 (parade) 3pm (service).
May see what I can find of interest on TV this evening.
No gigs this weekend, but I have six to go to in the next 8 days.
Almost missed tonight’s gig due to marking the wrong date on my calendar. A good job The band put a reminder on Facebook, or I would have been staying home tonight and travelling to an empty venue tomorrow night instead.
Went to a Laithwaites wine tasting thingy at Old Trafford cricket ground last night. Ever so slightly dehydrated this morning, strangely.
Otherwise, waiting for a knock on the door which would signal my son losing his freedom: