Just for a change there’s some good news in the world of magazines. The excellent Classic Pop is to move from 6 issues per year to one every month. Must be all those ex Smash Hits readers in their 40s and 50s still wanting a shiny colourful mag in their hands to go with the shiny colourful music.
Hooked one!
You could do a retrospective series of one word reviews of the Transformers sequels, to wit:
I’m quite surprised. I subscribed to the mag for quite a while and, although it was/is always an interesting read, I felt that it was struggling to find new angles on what was, in effect, a limited remit (‘Eighties Electronic Eclectic’) and roster of artists; indeed, looking at the spines of the editions I have kept, the same half-dozen or so names keep cropping up. Looking at the notice on the website, I see that they have expanded their range to include artists of the 70s and 90s, which I think reflects necessity as much as popularity.
I do like their special artist ‘Celebration’ editions, though; much more sparky and invigorating than most of the hoary old retreads offered by the ‘rock’ alternatives.
Yes, I have the Madge Special sitting waiting for me in the to read pile. I haven’t bought many copies of the normal Classic Pop, but my Mojo sub is about to lapse and I think I’d enjoy this more. I barely flick through Mojo these days; one of us has changed, I’m not sure which.
It’s OK, but I’ve stopped buying it. The price is absolutely insane compared to the other usual suspects (at least it is here in Sweden)!
£5.99 here which is a pound or so more than some other monthlies. What is it in Sweden?
I can’t check just now because I’ve thrown out my old copies – it’s been a while since I last bought an issue so I can’t remember exactly, but I think it’s either just below or just above £10, IIRC. Which is crazy expensive for any magazine. Maybe I’ve bought it from the wrong shop, but I buy other music magazines there and they are closer to your £5.99, so it’s quite a mystery to me why that one cost so much more! Perhaps they ship it here in a first class seat on an aeroplane! 🙂
@minibreakfast – I was buying some other magazines today and had a proper look – they wanted close to £14 for the latest issue! I declined.
Of course, I did buy another (Swedish) magazine that cost £16…but it’s a proper read; very thick and cover to cover full of inspiring articles and interviews on a theme (this issue: L.A.) with plenty of listening advice. It takes about a month to read through properly…
Frightening… Anything that would take *you* a month to read would drown an ordinary mortal for about a year…
And £14 for CP is just bonkers.
Well, Colin…that’s between reading other thick magazines, a stack of novels, the daily papers and other bits and bobs – then it takes me a month… 😀
You’re scaring me now!
Glossy, thick Swedish magazine… getting a Proustian rush here…
Stop dunking your biscuit immediately!
A la Recherche de Grumblies Perdu.
Classic Pop might just be too in my wheelhouse – I’m totally the target market for it, but the one issue I bought annoyed me, because frankly I felt I knew more than the writers did about the artists & records being covered… good luck to them though, that former-Smash-Hits-reader demographic should be large enough to sustain them for a while, but £5.99 newsstand price is waaaaayyyy high for a magazine without a CD covermount…
I know what you mean about the quality of content in these retro-magazines. I bought a copy of Shindig on trip to the U.K. last month, and even an amateur like me noticed that the main article on Traffic had factual errors in it: who are they writing for?