And as I run, a song runs through my head. Over and over.
I’m running down to the fields. We said we’d meet in the fields. Near the stream. We’ve been told not to go in the woods.
We scare each other with stories about Archie. He lives in the woods, they say. He killed someone, some people say.
“He’s harmless. But stay away from him” shouts my mum as I run out. “And, anyway, don’t go in the woods”.
Run into the sunshine. To the fields. To the stream. To the woods
I am not sure who’s coming. Tim’s coming. He makes me laugh so that’s good. Paul’s going to be there. And his sister, Caroline.
Why am I excited to be seeing her? Girls are silly. She cried when Paul scared her with his Archie story. I told him off. He told me off for telling him off. He had a point I suppose. She is his sister, after all. What’s it got to do with me?
I keep singing this song. We all like it. We sing along every time it comes on the radio.
We sing it in the fields. We don’t know the words really. So, we just sing the chorus over and over again.
I’ve got a Twix. I’m going to save it and eat it later. Unless it melts. It’s very sunny.
Maybe I’ll eat it now. What if Caroline wants some? Why did I think that?
Fin59 says
I keep singing this in my head. And we all sing it. Out loud
Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)
Edison Lighthouse
Zanti Misfit says
Are you Colin Moulding?
Fin59 says
Didn’t immediately strike a chord so I had to look him up – but no I’m not him. To be honest, i don’t know much about XTC apart from Nigel and Sgt Rock.
Kaisfatdad says
What a wonderful cue for a song. Let’s have a few other nominations as to what it could be.
I reckon it should be a catchy hit with slightly impenetrable lyrics for a 10 year old. But that’s just my take on it.
Like this. Second appearance this week on the AW of the lovely Leslie singing 1 2 3 4.
Fin59 says
Sorry, I probably should have made it a bit clearer but the song I refer to is posted above – Love Grows by Edison Lighthouse.
If it wasn’t that it might have been this, which was around at the same time:
Christie: Yellow River
Black Celebration says
Apart from the very beginning and the very end where the dancers magically appear and disappear, this video was done on one camera on a cherry picker. One shot.
Black Celebration says
I’m talking about the Feist clip.
Kaisfatdad says
Sorry @fin59.
You made yourself perfectly clear. It was just that your evocative writing got my imagination going and made me think what other songs might fit the bill.
I got a bit carried away. Just for a change!
Fin59 says
Ah sorry. Looks like I’m at home to that Little Miss today – little misunderstanding.
And yes please – let’s have other suggestions or things that remind you of being little and full of wonder.
Here’s another one I loved from that kind of time. Maybe I was a sophisticated 11 year old by then 🙂
Hot Love
Tiggerlion says
I was seven. I’d set off after breakfast during the summer holiday with the dog. We’d be gone all day. We were back in time for tea. We walked miles, sometimes hooking up with other kids, sometimes not. We’d cross fields, streams, farms, dual carriageways, country roads and copses.
I sang this song repeatedly. It was by my favourite group. It has a jolly tune. It was number one in the charts. I knew all the words by heart but I didn’t know what they meant or, at least, I took no notice. It made me feel great.
There were no mobile phones. I don’t understand how my mum survived the whole day without having a nervous breakdown.
Kaisfatdad says
Parents were a lot more laid-back back in the day.
For a start there was far less traffic. So it wasn’t half as dangerous as today. And the fears of paedophiles had not assumed the hysterical proportions they now have.
I suspect there weren’t so many paranoia-inducing newspaper articles about how to be a good parent either.
Everything was far more laissez-faire.
retropath2 says
Edison Lighthouse, eh. Yes, time for ye olde urban myth about Tony Burrows being in 3 different groups for 3 different songs on the same TOTP. But he was, I remember watching it, knowing that and having to keep quiet about it, in case the rest of the family thought I liked him or any of them.