There’s so much to like about this. Personal highlights: grey-haired accountant man guitarist giving it some welly in amongst the headbangers; little boy on drums going for the big finish; the Conductor Of Rock; and, last but not least, the hairy dude shredding the shit out of his air guitar, because, duh! you know – not enough guitars!
Here we are now, entertain us…
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I like EVERYTHING about this. Thanks for posting it.
That’s amazing. Thank you!
That’s wonderful. I wonder what it sounded like if you were there?
Don’t know, but just imagine the thrill of it. The joy of communing. With shitloads of drums.
I think the bagpipes got a bit lost in the mix though. MORE BAGPIPE!
Where were the tubas?
Can’t hear the Zither part, or the ocarina solo.
Definitely needs more Theremin.
Mellotron! Mellotron!
(can you think of a better way to urge Jeff Bridges to calm down?)
I liked that. A lot.
I suspect it sounded very different indeed in the actual room.
They would have to do some very, very careful editing (or blatant cheating) to get a coherent drum sound for the clip.
Leave it!! Don’t pick the nit.
Not picking nits.
I don’t care whether they doctored it or not. Still a great clip.
A thing of joy, a thing of beauty (of course it’s been doctored but who gives a shit?)
Best thing on the internet. Just what I needed. Cheers Drakeygirl.
Wonderful! Thanks, Drakeygirl.
It looks like the Guitar Hero game.
There was a similar performance of Rebel Rebel last year which is worth seeking out.
More of this kind of thing!
There is something strangely hypnotic about watching large numbers of people bash drums in unison.
As mentioned before, Rebel Rebel is worth a look.
And this (I think?) is where it all started.
A bloke trying to get Foo Fighters to come to his town assembled a mass band to play Learn To Fly
Yep – you’re right, on the hypnotic bit, and on the origins of this. These are the same people – plus a couple of hundred more – and the Foo Fighters responded to their original stunt:
Blimey! that poor roadie had his work cut out.
Magnificent. What a tonic!
What’s the collective noun for this sort of thing?
A cacophony of guitarists? Not in the same league but mildly amusing.
Toto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas any more. There’s not a guitarist in sight.
Now that looks fun, though I agree about the editing to get the audio usable. This immediately reminded me of the Young Voices: a choir of about 6500 kids with a real band and a few pro singers, doing a proper arena gig. My daughter was part of one of the NEC shows last week, and it was decent entertainment regardless of whether your little darling was in it or not. Interesting choice of songs too: Birdhouse in Your Soul is a bit of a tongue-twister, and More Than a Feeling is no problem because kids can hit those notes, can’t they?
Here’s a clip from the O2 – the sound’s a bit pants but you get the general idea
Yep, Twang Jr too….
Just had another hit of this.I really can’t see it ever getting old. Fab. Just what working from home was invented for.
(Check out the same mob doing Seven Nation Army too.)
Wow, I can’t believe how differently I feel about this to everyone else so far. Maybe I’m not in the right mood or something, but I found it a total cringe-fest and had to bail after an excruciating minute.
*retires to Grumps Corner*
Budge over; I want to sit next to you so we can whisper about all the others.
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Phew! I feel better already 🙂
Come on Grumpsters! Feel the joy!
There are lots of people who do these large scale events to get in the Guinness Book.
700 plus guitarists playing Hey Joe in Wroclaw was probably a hoot to take part in, but is not quite so much fun to watch.
A large crowd waving their hankies in Arequipa and doing Peruvian folk dance looks like more like a party I would want to join.
What makes Rockin 1000 so different is that it’s beautifully filmed and very well organised. And the enjoyment comes across.