Apparently this young Australian songstress has had to issue images of herself naked in order to counter the impact of the same images having been released without her permission or prior knowledge.
This raises disturbing issues for Afterworders. What would you do if you were confronted with a pic of you in your birthday suit on this very site?
Would your ‘syrup’ be big enough to ‘cover it’?
All I can say is thank goodness Photobucket and Imgur are knackered.
@minibreakfast … is this a problem with the site or summat else?
Photobucket will now only allow embedding if you have a paid sub, and I can’t even upload to Imgur, but even when I last could it would only show a link rather than an image. So a bit of both. Bah. Or in this case a blessed relief.
I think there is a legit way of viewing Photobucket-hosted images, but it only works with certain browsers, on desktop computers. I haven’t tried it. You can install an extension in the browser, which allows the images to be viewed on your computer, but if you don’t have that browser + extension, you can’t see them.
I tried Tinypic, Imgbb and a couple of other free image-hosts which allowed linking to sites like this recently (posting in the ‘Post some Nonsense’ thread), and none worked. Possibly they don’t like this site, for some reason.
This strikes me as being like reacting to people beating you up by running face-first at a moving train.
That’ll learn ’em!!!
Yes – I too thought this the considered way to take the sting out of the tail, disappear until things quieten down, not draw attention to oneself, etc.
Other posters up/down there. I am clearly not down with it. I have truly never heard of Ms Sia (413/4).
Sia is 41, by the way. Been in the pop game for a long time, often behind the scenes.
And “who she”??
Yes, yes, my grammaticals are wanting, but thanks all the same “bogl”?
Er I actually meant “who she? She do this song!”
Bad grammar me no mind.
I would say, “Now that I got your attention, can we talk about the forgotten blues singers such as Doctor Clayton or Barbecue Bob?”
Who she?? ‘Chandelier’ is an absolute banger, a stone classic dance pop track. Cheap Thrills not far behind. Honestly, just because one is “getting on” is no excuse not to know this stuff.
Is that pronounced “chander-leeay” like the norn aircraft company?
It’s more like “chaahandeleeeeer”
Really? In the version I have it’s undoubtedly “shandily HEE!”
I love Sia to small fragments but it must be said that her diction is positively Eltonian.
Yes, it’s a fantastic track.
That’s almost what I thought
If you’ve not heard some of the above, you must have heard Titanium (“TI TAAAAAAA NEEEEEEE UMMMMM”) with David Guetta. Also a banger.
So, is anyone going to post a naked selfie to support my point, or what?
Not me obv’s. How many old bangers can we tolerate?
Support my point….old bangers…. hurrrr
She’s been in the UK for 20 years, and a couple of years in Oz before that. Three albums as singer for trip-hop duo Zero 7 before going solo.
Her 2004 solo album included a single with a b-side written by Boo Hewerdine, which doubtless helped it to become a Number 71 smash.
And she’s written loads of pop bangers.
Oooh, best part is finding out about an early solo album.
I really know nothing of her big hits, apart from what the kids play. For me my memories are of the first two Zero 7 albums (both of which are superb!) Destiny is a desert island disc for me. Zero 7 were the first gig me and the wife went too together just after we met in 2004. Never knew Sia had a solo album back then, probably cost the earth to buy now, may have to check reviews and see if available as a download – hoping its similar in style to Zero 7.
First solo album looks pricey, Healing is Difficult, but 2nd one from 2004, Colour the Small One more affordable, just had a listen on youtube, how did I miss this at the time? Very Zero 7. Goes straight on my Christmas list.
And whilst we’re at it, here’s another Sia fronted Zero 7 gem.
What a gem and the video is marvellous! I share your enthusiasm for both Sia and Zero 7, Simon. Simple Things is a fine album and they were such a great live band.
Here they are doing Destiny live.
An album review too!
Cheers for the review. Sums up Destiny perfectly. It is “my” choice of wedding song, it was played during our ceremony but the porn line (obviously,) put the wife off it being a main featured song.
I still play the cd a lot. Being a vinyl nut it is tempting to get on that format but happy to stick with the cd. A gem of a record.
She has tweeted the photo with the message: “Someone is trying to sell naked photos of me to my fans. Save your money, here it is for free. Everyday is Christmas!”
Everyday is Christmas is the title of her latest album. The publicity this has generated is priceless. She is being very savvy.
She is very good at coming up with attention-grabbing stunts. She appeared on the Scando Skavlan chatshow where she refused to show her face. But clearly had a nice sense of humour about it all.
I saw her live when she sung with Zero 7 and very good she was too. And no question she can pen a fine tune. So if she wants out photos to her fans, fine by me.
Pop stars? Bonkers, the lot of them!
That’s her “thing” I believe, not showing her face.
I’ve taken part in three Spencer Tunick photo shoots. I have DVDs of two. One I appear in full-fronted glory. At the private view my wife shouted out ‘There you are’ as we watched it. She wanted to watch it through again.
No I shan’t post it though!
Forget the DVD.
Just post the still, for reference, like.
Alas @attackdog, there is a problem posting stills to the site.
Look for Everyday People in Salford.
Ah, yes. The huge, bulbous, throbbing red Fez is a bit of a give away.
Suits you, Sir.
Jealousy is a dangerous beast.
I thought the tassel was a bit much, that’s all.
PS. I’ve been painting myself blue and charging naked around the streets of Hull for decades, where’s my exhibition?
You’ve never made an exhibition of yourself, Moosey?
Pass the sapphire emulsion…. those Roman legions won’t repel themselves!