Good documentary about Sheryl Crow (mostly just a feature length interview with her). I learned a few things. It’s not exactly deep and probing as it’s another one of those self-produced and therefore controlled docs that are more of a vanity project or advertisement. Having said that it was good for what it was.
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As a fan, I liked it. It at least began to address the two big stories about her early years – Michael Jackson (and his pervy manager), and the dissolution of the Tuesday Night Music Club. I liked the footage of the recording of her second album – a copper bottomed classic IMHO and the work that dispelled the faintly misogynistic mutterings about who had the talent in the TNMC.
On the Watchlist (or the scrap of paper on my coffee table with scribbles on).
Yup – SC’s second album is very much the pick of the catalogue