As we head off into 2019 let’s pause for a second to count up the achievements of last year. While happiness can’t be quantified, plenty of other things can. I did this a year ago and there seems enough reason to run it again if anyone’s interested. 2018 was for me…
12,734 scrobbles on last FM (up from 12270 in 2017)
75 books on goodreads (up from 67)
84 films on letterboxd (up from 70)
And 591k of running on Strava, up from 503.
Your Spotify wrapped, your Nike +, stepcounters etc are all welcome in the interests of our curiosities.
Gigs I think we have done in another thread, but I’m calculating about 25.
And here’s the 2017 edition for those who want to see how 2018 compared:
Ha ha, I struggle to recall the name of films I watched yesterday etc. So my new year resolution was to compile a diary of new music/films/TV/books. I even had the book to record it in. Left it at home when we came up to Alnmouth for a break……
I wonder if @Chiz is in fact correct in decrying our descent into list-mania.
Perhaps that could be my NY Resolution.
“Don’t participate in list threads”.
As well, of course, as “Keep on exactly as I am forever, until the end of time if necessary.”
I sometimes wonder if the Afterworders who lived through the 60s misunderstood the phrase ‘counter culture’. Some of that generation discovered sex and drugs and rock and roll; some found flip charts and spreadsheets
As my soon would say yeet.
One new leather belt….the old one had served me well since 2005.
Had to be replaced as advancing middle age spread meant more hole than hide.
Four bicycle inner tubes….all rear.
For the first year ever, more country discs than rock.
Five…FIVE sets of guitar strings
One more grandkid.
What are scrobbles?
Just totted it up, I ran 564km in 2018
Correction 574km in 2018, in 2017 bizarrely I ran 1km more!
@dai they’re Lastfm’s word for a playcount – though hideously dated it usefully aggregates plays from spotify, itunes, youtube to give you global counts and stats.
Ah, thanks. Can’t count my vinyl plays though!
Total digital music files played via MediaMonkey in 2018 = 12,173
1 sortie to the beach
1 visit to a playground
1 trip to the cinema
2 evenings in the pub
Conclusion: I’m getting out more!
I live my life by lists!
The main stat is that the amount of tracks entered into my iTunes library last year was down 40% on 2017. Still stupidly large though (too ridiculous to admit to!), but it’s a big step in the right direction.
In my project to rank all my albums by year, I listened to and ranked around 1,250 albums, with 2,120 to go. This year I will make a real effort to get the latter number moving down, by not adding albums at a quicker rate than I am listening to them. But that’s just one habit I am trying to break [glances down at never-been-bigger belly and the pile of remaining Christmas chocolates]. I think I’ve done a really good job at filling the gaps in my collection, so hopefully I can start to resist the temptation to look for others.
I’m also trying to make the effort to watch all my Blu Rays/DVDs, listen to all the DVD commentaries and read all my magazines, books and comics. I’ve done well with the films, watching over 400, TV series’, watching around 80 and have listened to a commentary every week. However, the reading has not gone so well, mainly because of subscribing to Readly. I read so many magazines on Readly that I am not getting to anything else. I’m going to have to be more choosey with what I read on there, as I read nearly 300 magazines last year. I have 628 books to read, 229 magazines (special editions, collectible ones, etc) and thousands of comics. I stopped commuting to work around 10 years ago, but carried on buying reading matter at a stupid rate. You’d hope, now I’m not working any more, I could find time for everything, but life isn’t always that simple…
All sounds too much like hard work.
3,236 items added to my digital library in 2018. That includes podcasts, rips of music radio shows and “unofficial recording” acquisitions.
377 podcasts that I haven’t listened to yet.
260 music tracks that I haven’t listened to yet. All acquired in the last 7 days.
9 rips of radio shows that haven’t been played yet. Also all acquired in the last 7 days.
I decided a couple of months ago to play all my new music acquisitions within a couple of weeks of getting them, and also to play all the the other unplayed music in my library.
I started by playing everything acquired earlier this year and then playing all the older stuff alphabetically by artist. I am now well into the Ds.
Would participate but have no idea what a scrobble is and even less inclination to find out.
What’s your Spotify 2018 wrapped then @steveT – mine is partly spammed by daughter playing Norwegian metal and Saxon, and son playing Buddy Rich, so prefer the lastfm stats as itunes is all mine.
Three weddings attended.
One bride married.
A third of Middlemarch read.
Five books about The Beatles read.
Many second-hand CDs purchased.
One escalator tumble.
Only one “bride married” all year – must have been a f**k up of Father Dougal proportions!
(Unless you were the husband – in which case, a belated salute!)
My Spotify Stats were 135,531 minutes of listening. I was quite chuffed with that.
I need to really up my game on the reading front this year. 2018 was a shocker (although 2 children under 3 is my excuse!)
Trying to think of some more completely unimportant stats to pad this thread out with.
Maybe my annual car mileage and average MPG. How much I’ve spent on it over the year. If I can be bothered to check it.
Maybe I should start a “List” of The Best 2018 Apologies… (Theresa May quotes don’t count), but then again – the best one must surely be this from the latest issue of Songlines magazine: »In last issue’s album review it was mistakenly stated that the band were based in London when they’re actually based in Berlin. There is also no synthesizer or fretless bass, flamenco or reggae influences on the album, and the correct spelling of the founder’s name is Lety ElNaggar.”
That is impressive, Fatima. Did they get anything correct??