I also have a pre-order in with Amazon Canada for 73 Canadian $ including shipping to the U.K. But there will probably be 20% VAT and a Post Office charge of £11 so that will take it to £62 or thereabouts. That is cheaper than Amazon Italy (£87 including shipping) which is my fall back if Am. Can. renage.
Oh and this looks bloody superb as does the content, it far exceeds what was expected by most fans of the HJH. The snipers can do one before they start, I’ll say it again ‘Bloody Superb’!
I was thinking exactly the same thing before scrolling down, Twang. And we still don’t know what’s on it… but it’ll be around 15-20% of the Sgt P price, I imagine.
I’ve never heard Carnival of Light but like all these “legendary” unreleased things, I bet there’s a v good reason for it remaining unreleased, namely that it’s bollocks.
Go to Amazon Italy @minibreakfast, £86 including shipping. If you have an Amazon account it’s as easy as ordering from Am. UK. I’ve had a few orders from Amazon Italy and any issues I’ve had were sorted without any bother.
Yes, I saw this, thanks Baron. I’ll hang fire and see what amazon uk does in the meantime. If it remains too expensive I’ll just get the two disc set I suppose.
What an outrageous rip-off.
£140 for 6 discs works out at £23:33 each on average.
Yes, I accept there is a book and one is a DVD, but that hardly justifies the extra £100 that I’d suggest is the excess cost of what I’d be prepared to pay. This is material that is 50 years old (as is the point of the exercise) that will already have earned a fortune in royalties. It is gouging.
Not that I expect anyone at EMI will care.
It is hard to imagine anyone back in 1967 wanting to celebrate the release of any music that had been composed in 1917. Elgar’s Fringes Of The Fleet celebrated 50 years then. One of his lesser known works, for sure.
I can still remember – my 14th birthday, for once my parents bought me what I wanted.
They also bought me a DIY shelf/cupboard thingy – like, Ikea, but this is NZ in 1968. So I spent my birthday putting this unit together, and listening to SPLHCB. I STILL have an image of myself in my bedroom making my little piece of furniture when I listen to certain songs.
I don’t care what anyone else says, I LOVE this album, warts and all – what’s so wrong with When I’m 64 anyway – it was a huge part of my musical upbringing. What’s more, my kids love it too.
All the supposed naff (thought so, because they don’t cater for male, ex-Paul Morley era NME readers) songs are great.
“When I’m 64” and “Within You Without You” from Sgt. Pepper’s, “All Together Now,” “Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da,” “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer,’ “Yellow Submarine.”
The last time I listened to “Sgt. Pepper’s” the song I most enjoyed was George’s one.
Ian McDonald says something along the lines of it being the conscience of the album in terms of its message. I think it’s just gorgeous, and not compromised by overfamiliarity thanks to rockist naysayers.
I’ll be buying the 6 disc version, but begrudge the duplication of video/HD audio content on DVD & BluRay. Similar to the Floyd behemoth, there will be a disc (or in PFs case, discs) which will never be played. Anyone owning a BR player will never use the DVD, and vice versa. What is the point of this? Either have 2 version, one for each format, or drop the DVD.
Probably simpler to have 1 version, and for Blu-ray people the DVD is easier to rip to a hard drive if you want to do that. Or just give it to a friend
Why not include neither but give a website link to have either a) a download code, b) the DVD or c) the BluRay disc sent out to you. Maybe an 0300 phone number too for digital Luddites without computers, tablets or smartphones
I think Dai has it there, Gary. With 1+ it was easier to have 2DVD plus CD or 2Bluray plus CD, because the video bit was, in effect, the dominant element of the package.
With this, it’s definitely not. I’ve got a BluRay player in the shape of a Playstation 4 wired up to a telly with crap speakers, so I’m completely uninterested in a 5:1 mix *anyway* but I think if we want the nice bits, we’ve to put up with this!
I know it’s a lot of money but… these things usually are. And what… we expect discounts from the Fabs, who gave us the red album over two CDs for £22 back in 1993? That was the chart price and all.
What I want to know is will it contain outtakes of the words from the Side 2 run out groove?
That’ll make it worth the money! 👍Carnival Of Light be damned.
The 2 CD set seems to have a disc not included in the 6 disc box, although I’m guessing all the tracks are there somewhere!? It is an ‘alternative’ Pepper sequenced in original LP order…
Disc: 2
1. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
2. With A Little Help From My Friends
3. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
4. Getting Better
5. Fixing A Hole
6. She’s Leaving Home
7. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
8. Within You Without You
9. When I’m Sixty-Four
10. Lovely Rita
11. Good Morning Good Morning
12. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
13. A Day In The Life
14. Strawberry Fields Forever
15. Strawberry Fields Forever
16. Strawberry Fields Forever
17. Penny Lane
18. Penny Lane
I got a vinyl copy of Sgt Pepper Knew My Father today at a car boot for a quid. I’ve never heard it, but am particularly looking forward to Frank Sidebottom’s rendition of Kite.
What a mixed bag/dog’s breakfast that is. Wet Wet Wet at their cheesetastic best! The Three Wize Men! (There were four of them, natch – like one of those gospel groups) The Fall’s rendition of the Lancasheer song is genuinely great.
Does anyone have a link to some detail on the two-CD set? I would buy the 6 Disk set in a heartbeat if I could actually justify the £140 but the amazon pre-order for the smaller version has no detail at all beyond the track listings
Where is HP Saucecraft when we need him? Just stop and think for a minute… how much has all this cost to actually produce?
Nobody in the world will buy it except for obsessives : you can just see the strokey-beard meeting at HQ – “We’ve got all this free stuff lying around doing nothing. How much do you think we can charge if we include every piece of fluff we swept off the floor and, of course, we throw in a DVD and a glossy booklet (I can get my daughter to do that, she’s thinking of going to Slade if she gets two B’s and a C)? I was thinking a tenner? What’s that you say, Jenkins – a hundred quid?? Put that spliff down and get real, you plonker!”
I have the album on LP, bought about 1988, and a CD, bought from a charity shop around 2000, for a quid. Also have Anthology 2, bought at great expense, when that came out. Fucked if I’m shelling out for it again.
I do know that the White Album was thirty shillings when in came out, which was considered fairly steep. A quick skeg around tinternet reveals that this would now be around fifteen quid.
Fifteen quid to buy any kind of physical White Album is a bloody decent price.
I remember LPs were 32/6d in 1963, so I suspect the White album was actually more like £2.10s. in 1968. The calculator I found makes that the equivalent of just over £30.
We have forgotten how expensive music was until very recently.
Well, I stand corrected. Where I got that figure from I don’t know.
The obverse of that is how cheap music is now, on CD at least. In the early ’90s I would take a 40-minute bus ride* to buy CDs that were 10.99 as opposed to the 12.99 charged by my local HMV. They went up quite a bit in the mid-late 90s – as things do – but have since plummeted. Now I would say…. eleven quid for a single CD? What is it, pressed on titanium??
(*yeah, costing two quid. But it was the principle)
I was a bit alarmed by the fact that the actual music you bought is from this century… until I remembered that it’s by somebody who’s dead, so that excuses it.
Mine too, but I think he bought it in ’69 or ’70 when he got his record player, so not a first press.
Btw my dad’s look around this time is pretty much an amalgam of all four Fabs’ faces in the SP gatefold pic. He didn’t need to cut out one of those ‘taches.
Actually my parents’ current copy is a later one from the 70s (black and silver label). Their original mono copy, absolutely STF*, was part of a little stash of albums – if you will, a starter pack – that they gave me with my first record player, Christmas 1981. (It also included Yellow Submarine and, er, Scouse the Mouse). I remember poring over the sleeve and being amused by the fact that the Beatles looked different from how they did in Help!, but I don’t remember actually listening to it – or anything by the Fabs post Red album – until the 20th anniversary came up …. 1987 again…
I was reminded of a mention of Sgt Pepper (there are several – John McL is a fan) from ‘Bathed In Lightning’, from one Steve Voce in ‘Jazz Journal’ – a very entertaining and readable writer (still contributing 50 years later) but he delivered one serious hostage to fortune back in 1967…
Pop music had progressed exponentially in the previous
five years, and the barriers were no longer sustainable on any grounds of
superiority in sophistication or intent. For Steve Voce at Jazz Journal, it was
time to go down to the beaches and make a stand in the best traditions of King
Canute. ‘Every once in a while, [someone] will come up to me and knowingly
pose a rhetorical question: aren’t the Beatles great? There are many ways to
answer this question … I’ve found a short and simple one, however: no.’
Voce was not speaking for the whole of Jazz Journal’s audience. Nevertheless,
after a flood of letters questioning this stance, he merely added more sandbags
to the barricades the following month:
‘The Beatles are merely the symbol, unwilling or otherwise, of a
society whose values have slumped to the acceptance of a gimmick,
the fad and the eccentric. [Pop] can only produce lasting music by
accident, and such accidents are rare. It is a music whose only value
is financial and it is planned for and appeals to unseeking minds. For
jazz to accept a compromise with it would be fatal to jazz. … The
various amalgamations and liaisons between jazz and pop music must
be resisted at all costs. … It is certain that we were morally better off
when jazz was a tight little world completely ignored and treated with
contempt by those outside it. … Coupled with the undefined values of
the avant-garde in jazz the position is made even more precarious …’
The month after that, Voce metaphorically harrumphed and put into print
the sort of thing destined to be resurrected in history books decades later: ‘I
wonder how often Sgt Pepper will be played in three years’ time?’
“[Pop] can only produce lasting music by accident” strikes me as spot on – for this period, at least. A lot of pop musicians had -and still have – no notion of their music having any lasting value. Even Zappa famously snorted with derision at the notion of his music lasting beyond his death.
Of course the obverse of this is that supposedly more earnest jazzers create music that lasts forever… which they clearly don’t in most cases. If anything most jazz, played in live settings and lost on the wind, is as ephemeral as music gets.
There’s nothing wrong with producing something brilliant by accident. Listen! I just farted a cop show theme!
Stupid price. The CD is probably at an all time low in terms of value – I look behind me at the collection I accumulated in the 90s and 00s and wish I’d stuck with Vinyl as my CD collection is worth a fraction of what I paid for it. So it’s galling when Beatles Band try and pretend CDs of some Pepper out-takes are worth 23 quid a pop.
Even at £100 (presumably there is postage on that from Beatles.com) Universal are taking the piss for 6 discs in a box. £50-60 would be more like it and I bet they’d sell a shedload – it’s not exactly an overlooked 60s curio is it?
I don’t buy many SDEs but I’ve bought some very nice ones from XTC, King Crimson, Verve, Simple Minds etc which represent far..far better value for money in terms of content per ££ than this.
When were these things (records, box sets…) priced according to value for money? Is 60 minutes of Frank Sidebottom “more value” than 30 minutes of Elgar? It’s entertainment, and it’s a business, and they set the price at what they can get away with. Of course you can charge more for “The Beatles” than for XTC or The Verve.
Me, I would have preferred if they’d done a Led Zeppelin – issue all the Beatles albums as Super Deluxe 6-disc sets in bundles of 4 and be done with it in half a year. Then release the “Let It Be” movie in time for Christmas (with 10 hours of outtakes, presumably).
Your last idea is the best. The DVDs could even be themed – “Bickering” (three discs), “Complaining about how cold it is” (1 disc) , “Glowering” (two discs), “Desultory shuffling through half-remembered Hamburg setlists” (2-discs) “Trying to behave like grown-ups in front of Billy Preston” (about half a disc)
A shiny red plastic jacket… a “Magic Alex Nuclear Fission” kit (actually a painted matchbox with some pipe-cleaners stuck into it)… a pamphlet giving medical advice to former clients of Maggie May… some heroin… the possibilities are endless.
Well you are not really paying that much for each of the CDs, you are paying for the container that holds them, book, scarves, marbles etc. This seems to be the only way these days (apart from vinyl) that record companies can make money from physical releases. I refuse to pay $150 though for a mediocre McCartney solo album in a box where you have to even download half the additional audio content.
I have looked very carefully at the track listings. CD 3 & 4 are chronological outtakes that document the creation of the album and the single. All very exciting, but, where is Only A Northern Song? That was recorded before Within You, Without You. Perhaps, George’s representatives on earth didn’t have the clout to get it included. Or, maybe, we are going to be treated to a Yellow Submarine Super Deluxe Box Set sometime next year.
For a hundred quid, I expect to hear Only A Northern Song on Sgt Pepper!
I’m up for hearing the remix, should bring an increase in clarity. I’m the only person I know who likes the Yellow Submarine Songtrack – remixed from the multitrack tapes with high-end playback gear (not the authentic 60s kit Abbey Road had to dig out of storage to play back the mix masters for the first round of Fabs reissues).
I’m definitely up for the 2CD set and possibly the box if/when the price is right.
Been listening to Pepper a fair bit recently to prepare my ears for the May remix. Amazing how fresh a good record can sound when You’ve had a break from it for a couple of YEARS.
So my amazon Canada order was cancelled because if a price error. they did give me $30 for my trouble though. Pre-ordered the double vinyl instead and it is effectively free, as I had another credit.
I heard it by chance as I was in the car this morning – on first hearing sounded like the basic vocal and intrumental track without the added crowd noises and brass instrumentation, which was interesting. Looking forward to the rest!
Jackthebiscuit says
I am sure it will be wonderful, but my pockets are not deep enough, so I will be passing on this.
dai says
I have a pre-order at Amazon Canada for $58 if they honour it (description was completely wrong), compared to US $150 at amazon.com
Baron Harkonnen says
I also have a pre-order in with Amazon Canada for 73 Canadian $ including shipping to the U.K. But there will probably be 20% VAT and a Post Office charge of £11 so that will take it to £62 or thereabouts. That is cheaper than Amazon Italy (£87 including shipping) which is my fall back if Am. Can. renage.
Oh and this looks bloody superb as does the content, it far exceeds what was expected by most fans of the HJH. The snipers can do one before they start, I’ll say it again ‘Bloody Superb’!
SteveT says
@Baron Harkonnen is this ‘how to scrape the barrel’ part 52? If the stuff was any good it would have been on the original release.
What a waste of time – oh no, sorry its got some nice pictures, I forgot. Makes it much more worthwhile.
DogFacedBoy says
It’s not about improving on what exists on the released LP it offering insight into how it came to be.
Yes I’ve got a 5 CD set of Pepper out-takes. Yes a 4 CD one of Strawberry Fields from ‘It’s Not Too Bad’ demo take 1 through to Rock Band multitracks
And yes, I will , sorry, have already place an order. I have few other vices , let me have my cake!
Moose the Mooche says
26th May instead of 1st June? what up wid dat?
dai says
I think release dates have to be Fridays now so they went for the one before instead of the one after.
deramdaze says
It seems incredibly lop-sided to have only gone this far (too far?) with “Sgt. Pepper’s,” and ignored everything up to 1967!
As an aside, those look remarkably like CDs.
But wasn’t the CD market supposed to be dying on its feet?
dai says
Not dying out for the target audience who are mostly the wrong side of 50 (or 60). I think other SDEs will follow.
Twang says
Save your money for the “Songs from the wood” reissue. Much better album, and the out takes will be worth having. 😂
Colin H says
I was thinking exactly the same thing before scrolling down, Twang. And we still don’t know what’s on it… but it’ll be around 15-20% of the Sgt P price, I imagine.
Baron Harkonnen says
I’m getting both!
DrJ says
Pretty much my favourite album by my favourite band. Colour me happy & excited.
bogl says
I’m sure it will be wondrous, but it’s too expensive and STILL no Carnival of Light:
Friar says
I’ve never heard Carnival of Light but like all these “legendary” unreleased things, I bet there’s a v good reason for it remaining unreleased, namely that it’s bollocks.
davebigpicture says
The Wiki entry would seem to support your theory.
Friar says
Yup. Sounds like solid gold bollocks, boss.
Baron Harkonnen says
I’ve heard it and as a massive HJH fan I can say without hesitation that it is a load of bollocks.
Mousey says
It’ll be shit
For completists only
minibreakfast says
Jings, that price had better come down! Hopefully it’ll be closer to £100 by release date.
Baron Harkonnen says
Go to Amazon Italy @minibreakfast, £86 including shipping. If you have an Amazon account it’s as easy as ordering from Am. UK. I’ve had a few orders from Amazon Italy and any issues I’ve had were sorted without any bother.
minibreakfast says
Yes, I saw this, thanks Baron. I’ll hang fire and see what amazon uk does in the meantime. If it remains too expensive I’ll just get the two disc set I suppose.
Carl says
What an outrageous rip-off.
£140 for 6 discs works out at £23:33 each on average.
Yes, I accept there is a book and one is a DVD, but that hardly justifies the extra £100 that I’d suggest is the excess cost of what I’d be prepared to pay. This is material that is 50 years old (as is the point of the exercise) that will already have earned a fortune in royalties. It is gouging.
Not that I expect anyone at EMI will care.
It is hard to imagine anyone back in 1967 wanting to celebrate the release of any music that had been composed in 1917. Elgar’s Fringes Of The Fleet celebrated 50 years then. One of his lesser known works, for sure.
Baron Harkonnen says
Carl, calm down, that’s Amazon UK’s pricing which will come down also see comments above. ; ))
MC Escher says
I agree entirely Carl, but I think that for the majority on this site you are howling into the void.
Moose the Mooche says
Fringes of the Fleet.. a tone poem about sailors’ hairstyles.
davebigpicture says
Agree it’s an outrageous amount but Warners have got to get back their investment somehow……..
fatima Xberg says
Does it come with a cut-out mustache?
Baron Harkonnen says
Moose the Mooche says
Don’t forget the stripes! How would you expect to get saluted otherwise?
Mousey says
Well I’ll get it, eventually
I can still remember – my 14th birthday, for once my parents bought me what I wanted.
They also bought me a DIY shelf/cupboard thingy – like, Ikea, but this is NZ in 1968. So I spent my birthday putting this unit together, and listening to SPLHCB. I STILL have an image of myself in my bedroom making my little piece of furniture when I listen to certain songs.
I don’t care what anyone else says, I LOVE this album, warts and all – what’s so wrong with When I’m 64 anyway – it was a huge part of my musical upbringing. What’s more, my kids love it too.
deramdaze says
All the supposed naff (thought so, because they don’t cater for male, ex-Paul Morley era NME readers) songs are great.
“When I’m 64” and “Within You Without You” from Sgt. Pepper’s, “All Together Now,” “Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da,” “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer,’ “Yellow Submarine.”
The last time I listened to “Sgt. Pepper’s” the song I most enjoyed was George’s one.
Moose the Mooche says
Ian McDonald says something along the lines of it being the conscience of the album in terms of its message. I think it’s just gorgeous, and not compromised by overfamiliarity thanks to rockist naysayers.
Friar says
(I’m definitely not a rockist but I’ll skip owt with George and a sitar on it. Just for balance.)
garyt says
I’ll be buying the 6 disc version, but begrudge the duplication of video/HD audio content on DVD & BluRay. Similar to the Floyd behemoth, there will be a disc (or in PFs case, discs) which will never be played. Anyone owning a BR player will never use the DVD, and vice versa. What is the point of this? Either have 2 version, one for each format, or drop the DVD.
dai says
Probably simpler to have 1 version, and for Blu-ray people the DVD is easier to rip to a hard drive if you want to do that. Or just give it to a friend
Mike_H says
Why not include neither but give a website link to have either a) a download code, b) the DVD or c) the BluRay disc sent out to you. Maybe an 0300 phone number too for digital Luddites without computers, tablets or smartphones
Some interaction with the punters!
ivan says
I think Dai has it there, Gary. With 1+ it was easier to have 2DVD plus CD or 2Bluray plus CD, because the video bit was, in effect, the dominant element of the package.
With this, it’s definitely not. I’ve got a BluRay player in the shape of a Playstation 4 wired up to a telly with crap speakers, so I’m completely uninterested in a 5:1 mix *anyway* but I think if we want the nice bits, we’ve to put up with this!
minibreakfast says
£100 (plus postage, presumably) on the official site: https://www.thebeatlesonline.co.uk/thebeatles/Sgt-Pepper-s-Lonely-Hearts-Club-Band-Anniversary/Sgt-Pepper-s-Lonely-Hearts-Club-Band-Anniversary-Super-Deluxe-Edition/5HPK0EK2000?utm_campaign=THEBEATLESSgtPepperBoxset03&utm_content=THEBEATLESSgtPepperBoxset&utm_medium=Referral&utm_source=UMGIMarketing
Moose the Mooche says
I know it’s a lot of money but… these things usually are. And what… we expect discounts from the Fabs, who gave us the red album over two CDs for £22 back in 1993? That was the chart price and all.
SteveT says
McCartney – A man of the People? I don’t think so. Did you see the dogs dinner of the Flowers in the Dirt release? Losing my respect tbh.
dai says
When was he ever “A man of the people”?
Carl says
What I want to know is will it contain outtakes of the words from the Side 2 run out groove?
That’ll make it worth the money! 👍Carnival Of Light be damned.
dai says
The run out groove is part of Carnival of Light.
* maybe not
NigelT says
The 2 CD set seems to have a disc not included in the 6 disc box, although I’m guessing all the tracks are there somewhere!? It is an ‘alternative’ Pepper sequenced in original LP order…
Disc: 2
1. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
2. With A Little Help From My Friends
3. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
4. Getting Better
5. Fixing A Hole
6. She’s Leaving Home
7. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
8. Within You Without You
9. When I’m Sixty-Four
10. Lovely Rita
11. Good Morning Good Morning
12. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
13. A Day In The Life
14. Strawberry Fields Forever
15. Strawberry Fields Forever
16. Strawberry Fields Forever
17. Penny Lane
18. Penny Lane
Moose the Mooche says
Caveat emptor! Track 16 is Candy Flip.
minibreakfast says
I got a vinyl copy of Sgt Pepper Knew My Father today at a car boot for a quid. I’ve never heard it, but am particularly looking forward to Frank Sidebottom’s rendition of Kite.
Moose the Mooche says
It’s fantastic!
What a mixed bag/dog’s breakfast that is. Wet Wet Wet at their cheesetastic best! The Three Wize Men! (There were four of them, natch – like one of those gospel groups) The Fall’s rendition of the Lancasheer song is genuinely great.
minibreakfast says
I also got Berry Gordy’s son Rockwell’s cover of Taxman. It’s not as bad as I thought it might be, but…
Moose the Mooche says
“I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me”…. turns out it he was right – it was the IRS.
Ainsley says
Does anyone have a link to some detail on the two-CD set? I would buy the 6 Disk set in a heartbeat if I could actually justify the £140 but the amazon pre-order for the smaller version has no detail at all beyond the track listings
NigelT says
The 6 disc set is ‘only’ £100 on the Fabs site, and the 2CD £13.99! There is a bit more detail here maybe..
Ainsley says
Brilliant thanks – duly pre-ordered
Lodestone of Wrongness says
Where is HP Saucecraft when we need him? Just stop and think for a minute… how much has all this cost to actually produce?
Nobody in the world will buy it except for obsessives : you can just see the strokey-beard meeting at HQ – “We’ve got all this free stuff lying around doing nothing. How much do you think we can charge if we include every piece of fluff we swept off the floor and, of course, we throw in a DVD and a glossy booklet (I can get my daughter to do that, she’s thinking of going to Slade if she gets two B’s and a C)? I was thinking a tenner? What’s that you say, Jenkins – a hundred quid?? Put that spliff down and get real, you plonker!”
Tiggerlion says
You’ll be buying it, then. 😕
Moose the Mooche says
Norman Stanley Fletcher had to work harder than that to get to Slade.
Colin H says
He roadied on their first three tours before he got a seat in the front of the van…
Moose the Mooche says
Naff orf, Evans!
TrypF says
I have the album on LP, bought about 1988, and a CD, bought from a charity shop around 2000, for a quid. Also have Anthology 2, bought at great expense, when that came out. Fucked if I’m shelling out for it again.
Arthur Cowslip says
Just curious about something. In today’s terms, how much did the original Sgt Pepper LP cost in 1967?
I’ll be getting the two disc set of this. Can’t really justify anything over £60 for the big box set!
Moose the Mooche says
I do know that the White Album was thirty shillings when in came out, which was considered fairly steep. A quick skeg around tinternet reveals that this would now be around fifteen quid.
Fifteen quid to buy any kind of physical White Album is a bloody decent price.
NigelT says
I remember LPs were 32/6d in 1963, so I suspect the White album was actually more like £2.10s. in 1968. The calculator I found makes that the equivalent of just over £30.
We have forgotten how expensive music was until very recently.
Moose the Mooche says
Well, I stand corrected. Where I got that figure from I don’t know.
The obverse of that is how cheap music is now, on CD at least. In the early ’90s I would take a 40-minute bus ride* to buy CDs that were 10.99 as opposed to the 12.99 charged by my local HMV. They went up quite a bit in the mid-late 90s – as things do – but have since plummeted. Now I would say…. eleven quid for a single CD? What is it, pressed on titanium??
(*yeah, costing two quid. But it was the principle)
fentonsteve says
Last weekend I rode my bike to a record shop*, handed over cash in return for a vinyl LP**. How analogue/retro am I? Or am I just old?
(*) Yes, they do still exist.
(**) Amy Winehouse’s ‘Back to Black’, half-speed mastered.
Moose the Mooche says
I was a bit alarmed by the fact that the actual music you bought is from this century… until I remembered that it’s by somebody who’s dead, so that excuses it.
Twang says
I have the original vinyl album and that’s all I need.
Tiggerlion says
Show off! 😎
Moose the Mooche says
So do I.
Well my Dad has it.
But he’s not going to live forever.
minibreakfast says
Mine too, but I think he bought it in ’69 or ’70 when he got his record player, so not a first press.
Btw my dad’s look around this time is pretty much an amalgam of all four Fabs’ faces in the SP gatefold pic. He didn’t need to cut out one of those ‘taches.
Moose the Mooche says
Actually my parents’ current copy is a later one from the 70s (black and silver label). Their original mono copy, absolutely STF*, was part of a little stash of albums – if you will, a starter pack – that they gave me with my first record player, Christmas 1981. (It also included Yellow Submarine and, er, Scouse the Mouse). I remember poring over the sleeve and being amused by the fact that the Beatles looked different from how they did in Help!, but I don’t remember actually listening to it – or anything by the Fabs post Red album – until the 20th anniversary came up …. 1987 again…
(*your potty-mouthed expression, lady)
Colin H says
I was reminded of a mention of Sgt Pepper (there are several – John McL is a fan) from ‘Bathed In Lightning’, from one Steve Voce in ‘Jazz Journal’ – a very entertaining and readable writer (still contributing 50 years later) but he delivered one serious hostage to fortune back in 1967…
Pop music had progressed exponentially in the previous
five years, and the barriers were no longer sustainable on any grounds of
superiority in sophistication or intent. For Steve Voce at Jazz Journal, it was
time to go down to the beaches and make a stand in the best traditions of King
Canute. ‘Every once in a while, [someone] will come up to me and knowingly
pose a rhetorical question: aren’t the Beatles great? There are many ways to
answer this question … I’ve found a short and simple one, however: no.’
Voce was not speaking for the whole of Jazz Journal’s audience. Nevertheless,
after a flood of letters questioning this stance, he merely added more sandbags
to the barricades the following month:
‘The Beatles are merely the symbol, unwilling or otherwise, of a
society whose values have slumped to the acceptance of a gimmick,
the fad and the eccentric. [Pop] can only produce lasting music by
accident, and such accidents are rare. It is a music whose only value
is financial and it is planned for and appeals to unseeking minds. For
jazz to accept a compromise with it would be fatal to jazz. … The
various amalgamations and liaisons between jazz and pop music must
be resisted at all costs. … It is certain that we were morally better off
when jazz was a tight little world completely ignored and treated with
contempt by those outside it. … Coupled with the undefined values of
the avant-garde in jazz the position is made even more precarious …’
The month after that, Voce metaphorically harrumphed and put into print
the sort of thing destined to be resurrected in history books decades later: ‘I
wonder how often Sgt Pepper will be played in three years’ time?’
Moose the Mooche says
“[Pop] can only produce lasting music by accident” strikes me as spot on – for this period, at least. A lot of pop musicians had -and still have – no notion of their music having any lasting value. Even Zappa famously snorted with derision at the notion of his music lasting beyond his death.
Of course the obverse of this is that supposedly more earnest jazzers create music that lasts forever… which they clearly don’t in most cases. If anything most jazz, played in live settings and lost on the wind, is as ephemeral as music gets.
There’s nothing wrong with producing something brilliant by accident. Listen! I just farted a cop show theme!
The Good Doctor says
Stupid price. The CD is probably at an all time low in terms of value – I look behind me at the collection I accumulated in the 90s and 00s and wish I’d stuck with Vinyl as my CD collection is worth a fraction of what I paid for it. So it’s galling when Beatles Band try and pretend CDs of some Pepper out-takes are worth 23 quid a pop.
Even at £100 (presumably there is postage on that from Beatles.com) Universal are taking the piss for 6 discs in a box. £50-60 would be more like it and I bet they’d sell a shedload – it’s not exactly an overlooked 60s curio is it?
I don’t buy many SDEs but I’ve bought some very nice ones from XTC, King Crimson, Verve, Simple Minds etc which represent far..far better value for money in terms of content per ££ than this.
fatima Xberg says
When were these things (records, box sets…) priced according to value for money? Is 60 minutes of Frank Sidebottom “more value” than 30 minutes of Elgar? It’s entertainment, and it’s a business, and they set the price at what they can get away with. Of course you can charge more for “The Beatles” than for XTC or The Verve.
Me, I would have preferred if they’d done a Led Zeppelin – issue all the Beatles albums as Super Deluxe 6-disc sets in bundles of 4 and be done with it in half a year. Then release the “Let It Be” movie in time for Christmas (with 10 hours of outtakes, presumably).
Moose the Mooche says
Your last idea is the best. The DVDs could even be themed – “Bickering” (three discs), “Complaining about how cold it is” (1 disc) , “Glowering” (two discs), “Desultory shuffling through half-remembered Hamburg setlists” (2-discs) “Trying to behave like grown-ups in front of Billy Preston” (about half a disc)
fatima Xberg says
Fantastic – you should forward this to Apple. They could even release them individually.
Moose the Mooche says
I wonder what the extra bits in the box would be.
A shiny red plastic jacket… a “Magic Alex Nuclear Fission” kit (actually a painted matchbox with some pipe-cleaners stuck into it)… a pamphlet giving medical advice to former clients of Maggie May… some heroin… the possibilities are endless.
dai says
Well you are not really paying that much for each of the CDs, you are paying for the container that holds them, book, scarves, marbles etc. This seems to be the only way these days (apart from vinyl) that record companies can make money from physical releases. I refuse to pay $150 though for a mediocre McCartney solo album in a box where you have to even download half the additional audio content.
Tiggerlion says
I have looked very carefully at the track listings. CD 3 & 4 are chronological outtakes that document the creation of the album and the single. All very exciting, but, where is Only A Northern Song? That was recorded before Within You, Without You. Perhaps, George’s representatives on earth didn’t have the clout to get it included. Or, maybe, we are going to be treated to a Yellow Submarine Super Deluxe Box Set sometime next year.
For a hundred quid, I expect to hear Only A Northern Song on Sgt Pepper!
I am disappoint.
Moose the Mooche says
You’ll have to wait for the 6-CD Yellow Submarine set for that.
I’m not joking – there’ll be one.
dai says
Not good enough before, not good enough now.
fentonsteve says
I’m up for hearing the remix, should bring an increase in clarity. I’m the only person I know who likes the Yellow Submarine Songtrack – remixed from the multitrack tapes with high-end playback gear (not the authentic 60s kit Abbey Road had to dig out of storage to play back the mix masters for the first round of Fabs reissues).
I’m definitely up for the 2CD set and possibly the box if/when the price is right.
Moose the Mooche says
Dude, you should be try being the guy who likes LOVE.
….so lonely….
Bartleby says
Shift over Moose – I love it too man!
And that goes double for the YS soundtrack – at least the one without all that George Martovani on side 2.
Moose the Mooche says
Yeah! let’s form the Love Club!
…hmmm. Maybe rethink the name.
NigelT says
Sign me up – Love is a brilliant album, and the YS songtrack too!
dai says
Amazon UK price reduced to 109 pounds. If you pre-ordered you are guaranteed at least this price
Lodestone of Wrongness says
I will resist sarcastically crying “now that’s a bargain!” Well actually I won’t…
Arthur Cowslip says
Been listening to Pepper a fair bit recently to prepare my ears for the May remix. Amazing how fresh a good record can sound when You’ve had a break from it for a couple of YEARS.
A few ob xx
minibreakfast says
Where’d he go? Arthur? ARTHUUR!!!
Tiggerlion says
He fell down a hole in Blackburn, Lancashire.
Moose the Mooche says
No, last thing I knew he was talking to some man from the motor trade.
Bye bye….
NigelT says
Obviously time for tea and Meet The Wife…!
NigelT says
First press listen today…
dai says
So my amazon Canada order was cancelled because if a price error. they did give me $30 for my trouble though. Pre-ordered the double vinyl instead and it is effectively free, as I had another credit.
DogFacedBoy says
Carnival Of Light WAS mixed and mastered for inclusion in the Pepper box according to my source close to the project (Hello Bongo!)
minibreakfast says
BBC Radio 2 is playing a track from the new set today between 8 and 8:30am. It means braving Chris Bloody Evans, tho but.
Tiggerlion says
Was it any good?
fentonsteve says
Was it Carnival of Light?
minibreakfast says
It was!
(It wasn’t 🙂 )
minibreakfast says
‘Twas this:
minibreakfast says
Viewable here too: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2017/apr/27/beatles-sgt-pepper-anniversary-listen?CMP=twt_a-music_b-gdnmusic
Tiggerlion says
I like it. I can do without the talking, though. How can something be exclusively available in two places at once?
minibreakfast says
It’s quantum.
NigelT says
I heard it by chance as I was in the car this morning – on first hearing sounded like the basic vocal and intrumental track without the added crowd noises and brass instrumentation, which was interesting. Looking forward to the rest!