Fin59 thinks it is seconds 16 to 19 of Sara, when Stevie Nicks sings, “Wait a minute, baby/Stay with me a while…” I can see what he means. The voice is alluring. It draws you into the song. And it affects my hormones.
It made me think about the sexiest moments in Pop. I’ve come to the conclusion that, for me, it is a Hip-Hop skit. De La Soul, under the supervision of their master producer, Prince Paul, are the kings of the skit. Some say they invented the genre. Their best album, Three Feet High And Rising, is full of them. There is one called De La Orgy, in which they all fake an orgasm. It’s funny but deeply unsexy. The one that is a real turn on is Transmitting Live From Mars. Over a laid-back, slinky beat, we are treated to an aural lesson in speaking French. It feels like being smeared all over in oil by a beautiful woman. It’s lovely.
*rubs head ruefully*
So, Afterworders, tell me, what floats your boat? It’s not whole songs I’m interested in but those fragments or moments that spark your interest.
You do ask such interesting, rather difficult question!
Off the top of my head, I’ll nominate the moment in Chantilly Lace where the Big Bopper sings “Ooh baby that’s what I like”
It sounds like he’s having some very smutty telephone sex with a potty-mouthed, trailer trash hotty.
Him and his ‘long-necked goose’, which he claimed was hanging loose!
Everyone knows the saxophone is the sexiest instrument ever, and when paired in song with breathy singing it’s a winner. I’ll nominate the sax sandwiched between Julee Cruise’s first and second verses, from 1.05 – 1.30, on this little ditty:
Have to agree with you about the saxophone. They say the three sexiest things a lady can do are play the saxophone, play pool and ride a motorbike. I can think of a different top three but here’s a lady riding a motorbike.
Impressive but lacking some heat for me!
Who says that? The cast of Top Gun?
Probably. Do they like watching ladies play pool?
Do you mean ladies playing in a pool? Or have you got some kind of chalkdust fetish?
The game with the balls that involves a lot of leaning over a table.
Has to be a woman’s voice. Like Stevie N or Beth O. Something not quite perfect. A bit slurred, a bit blurry.
Dusty via Shelby?
Shelby Lynne: Just A Little Lovin’
That whole Shelby Lynne album is pure eroticism. Probably the sexiest album ever recorded!
*Something not quite perfect. A bit slurred, a bit blurry.*
Yes, i agree. At Maggie May from Under The Covers 2, Susanna Hoffs sounds a little under the weather. Her voice sounds more hoarse than usual and she struggles a bit with the high notes. Me, I am under the table.
The way she sings the word “coffee” in the version of “You’re So Vain” on that album does the same to me *dreamy sigh*.
So,won’t you please
Be My Baby
The Ronettes
The Shangri-Las were sexier. Check out 1:45-50 on Give Him A Great Big Kiss. When asked how does her beau dance, Mary replies in a reverie, “Close….real close.” The pause speaks volumes.
Here’s a strange one I find very sexy. Eric Serra’s ‘It’s Only Mystery’ (from the soundtrack to Subway) is my favourite song of all time ever. Dunno why, it just is. I don’t think I’ve gone a whole week without listening to it in the last 30 years. Don’t you judge me.
Anyway, there’s a moment, at 3.35, where Arthur Simms sings “Dreaming’s not the answer…” then does a little “mmm” before going back into the chorus. I love that little “mmm”. I sing along to it and it makes me feel dead sexy. (But then, so does everything).
Oops. Deffo wrong post there!
Definitely one of my favourite films, and that song at the end, with Chris-stoff Lomb -bear (orig Fr. pronunciation) lying shot on the floor, and the drummer with the toms is just so right, such a sweet ending to a beautifully superficial film.
Nice one, @gary.
Intriguing post, Gary. Thank you. I listened to the whole of Ryan Adams singing Summer of 69, via someone’s mobile phone. Thankfully, it lasted less than three minutes. At no point did I hear Arthur Simms, let alone a “mmm”. There was a lady giggling quite sexily in the background. The person with her must have been tickling her fancy as Ryan Adams wasn’t being amusing.
Ha! I was busy posting that to someone else and got confused. Hardly surprising given my age and circumstances. (I do think it’s a funny clip though, that Ryan Adams one. And he was indeed being amusing, for witty wags have been yelling at him to do Summer ’69 for centuries now).
As for the actual Subway post. That ‘mmm’ is a mere ‘m’. Talk about blink and you miss it! I did enjoy that moment but I’m not sure it was worth enduring the whole song. 🙂
“Fragments” you said. “Moments”. That was the brief. In fact, if anything you should be telling young Fin off for ignoring it.
I can certainly see how the “m” would only appeal to me, but I think no less of it for that. (Au contraire*, in fact.)
*Hey! That French lesson worked! Whaddyaknow!
Absolutely. I was simply taken aback by the brevity of the moment. It was all over so quickly after a frankly disappointing build-up.
Not the first time someone has said that to me.
Great, great song, but from about 4m 39s onwards: listen to how the Middle Eastern strings-style arrangement builds, and builds, to about 5m 8s onwards, then the great release at the end.
Comment online: ‘…play this on your first date and your odds of getting laid will be improved. ‘
The Master Mix (best remix):
Kylie is expert at this sort of thing. Better than Madonna in my view, whose attempts at sexy are too often yeck.
Here’s Slow. It is the ‘yeah’ and the pause before ‘slow’ that works for me.
Here’s Slow. It is the ‘yeah’ and the pause before ‘slow’ that works for me.
She says she wants him to dance with her. I think she wants a particular kind of dance. A horizontal mambo, as Little Feat put it.
Works for me. *Goes for cold shower and a lie down*
Not rock, but one of the sexiest records ever recorded which contains yet another hot “sax sandwich”.
A moment?
When Astrud sings “and when she passes, each one she passes go…. aaah”
A sigh full of unrequited passion.
Astrud always struck me as being completely unaware of the effect she has on men. She certainly doesn’t deport herself with the confident air of a woman comfortable in her own skin.
The sexiest moment on this clip of her singing Bim Bom (she is at her best singing nonesense) is the look of disdain she delivers at 1:40ish to the bloke who has just filled the musical break with some daft dancing.
(Blimey, gosh, i say, what?)
My choice too. I need a cold shower after listening to Essence.
I feel a bit cheated, though. Which is exactly the moment in the song that grips your lust. I fear retro skimmed the OP (typical GP only reading the first sentence) and is now too engrossed in the whole thing to concentrate.
I’ve just listened to the whole album. Lucinda is blessed with a voice as sweet as a blackberry growing wild (mind you don’t prick your finger!). But, here, she sounds flat and miserable. I know she wasn’t ‘in a good place’ at the time but even so, all her fire has been extinguished. I could also do with a few key changes to liven up the music.
Need some stern admonishments after that…….
And for Tiggs, the whole thing, but if you want your climax centred on a particular moment try
the oooooooo in the lie on my back verse…….
or put aside my knees for you in this
And don’t tell me you had to listen to see what I meant….
I think I have to listen to all these Lucinda tracks over and over again.
Lucinda was a brilliant choice and Right on Time the perfect track.
I would like to be soothed.
2.22 although there are multiple moments (oo err).
Great call – I’d never seen the video before and it’s great to see Maria with a smile on her face. IF she has to sin to get saved, am happy to offer myself up as her route to redemption.
ooh…… she was quite supple then.
It all depends on the mood, doesn’t it?
Ruler of my Heart – Irma Thomas, for the note of intent in her voice on the chorus.
Kozmic Blues – Janis Joplin, for the way she properly cuts loose at the end and just wails it.
Numerous Jimi Hendrix records, just because they sounds like really out of hand sex.
Most of the first Tricky album, but particularly Overcome.
Devil’s Pie – D’Angelo. A record that sounds straight up dirty.
Song to the Siren – This Mortal Coil. One of the most erotic sounding songs ever made.
But the number one has to be Sam Cooke doing Bring it on Home to Me. On record, he always sounds relatively sweet and innocent, but if you listen to most of the live versions there’s a totally different vibe: you can virtually feel the sweat dripping off the ceiling. It’s the ultimate “oh shit, it’s about to go down” tune.
“Numerous Jimi Hendrix records, just because they sounds like really out of hand sex.”
You think Jimi’s music is wank? Gotta agree with you there.
Gary is quite right to admonish me for not sticking to the brief. And me – of all people – an Ad man who insists on tight briefs. The tighter the better. I need to be spanked. Wait, that’s extra?
Anyway, as Ad men are prone to do, I will revisit the work and present it as new:
On the Shelby Lynne track, the moment is at 52 seconds when she says “…urrly in the moanin’..” or early in the morning if you must.
On Be My Baby it’s the opening 7 seconds from the heartbeat drum thump to the first castanets.
Is that better… or do you still need to punish me? I mean, I have been naughty…
@minibreakfast is the arbiter on such matters. She is also the one who would apply the feather duster.
It wasn’t deliberate misbehaviour – he just wasn’t paying proper attention. I’d recommend just a minor chastisement, perhaps a few gentle strokes of the 2.5mm gauge feather duster.
My favourite!
You’ve already had yours (see Compilations thread).
Curse this false moustache, barely any disguise at all.
Last time I buy those cheap Christmas crackers.
From the world of white boy rock, which despite its own fond imaginings is the least sexy genre in the world, comes this one exception:
First 1′ 25″ of this – from the opening guitar curlicue to the first appearance of, um – Percy…
Good point, well made. Percy’s arrival really ruins the mood.
Tim Buckley’s Greetings from LA is just oozing with sexuality.
Lots of howls and ecstatic noises in Sweet Surrender.
Lots in Get on top of me too. The title speaks for itself.
I much prefer Jeff.
Try 3:00-30 on Everybody Here Wants You
I always find EHWY weirdly unsexy. It’s a bit forced and Chris De Burghish.
Plenty of better moments on the first album: the big peak on Lover You Should Have Come Over, the shimmering guitar at the start of Mojo Pin, the first chorus on Lilac Wine.
I don’t know if he ever produced anything genuinely “sexy”, but they’re definitely extremely intimate moments.
You may be right. I like EHWY because Jeff doesn’t really sound as though his heart is in it, almost as though he is trying to observe her charms rather than be in thrall to them.
Jeff Buckley was brilliant. But so was his dad. I’d give him another try or two.
Dionne Warwick by contrast is a model of restraint. But the mixture of pride and vulnerability here is irresistible.
Walk on by!
Time for a walk on the wild side?
Kiss the boots of shiny shiny leather …
And let’s not forget the enigmatic German.
One of my favourite NME quotes: “I was a hausfrau from Hannover until I discovered heroin.”
The Velvet Underground sang about sex a lot but in a dispassionate, uninvolved manner. I like the songs in which Lou can’t help but expose his feelings. In this version of Ocean, the liquid flow of the music is deeply sexy. It helps that Lou disguises his lack of singing ability by whispering (it should have been on your whispering thread). See what you think.
Best bit is after 4:10. “Here come the waves….”
I must confess I find Nico’s indifference rather sexy.
Drimble Wedge was a master at this!
The sexiest bit is at 1:25; “You fill me with inertia.”
Nico eh? If I wanted a Nazi who can’t sing I’d have asked for Skrewdriver.
other opinions etc.
His former partner was a dab hand at it, without saying a word…
Strict Machine – Goldfrapp.
The skipped beat on the final round of “I’m in love with a strict machine” on the chorus.
Alison is responsible for many sexy moments. My favourite is the first 20 seconds of Black Cherry, sultry and ripe with promise.
Coming back to Stevie
It’s Sara ‘…laces..undoing laces….’
Stevie! Of course!
Boogie On Reggae Woman is neither boogie nor reggae but, by God, it’s wonderful.
I think 1:35 when he almost blushes whilst singing “I’d love to see you in the raw under the stars above” is the best moment. Later, he repeats the line far more boldly. The piano trills throughout are fantastic.
I don’t know about sexy but this is undoubtedly the filthiest thing Ive heard. I saw Annette Peacock live in the late 70’s – black leather ….. I was a gibbering wreck by the end
Makes me think of Betty Davis, Miles’s wife, who fused funk and rock a decade before Prince.
Bear in mind, when she sings “fanny”, she means the American version. Best bit? The rasped “say you will…say you wi-ill”.
If I’m In Luck, I Might Get Picked Up
This song: lyrics, guitar, well, all of it really but especially the bass- the break at 2m 36s to 2m 51s.
Funny that. I have never thought of The Artic Monkeys as belonging in the same sentence as the word ‘sexy’, just like Supergrass. I have a feeling you are a strange and wonderful woman, Ms Blue.
Psychologist, y’ see. You know what they’re like. Perverts.
Crikey, my hair’s full of glass after all that stone-throwing.
Alex Turner is a psychologist? Who knew?
Really, I couldn’t possibly be a naughty baby after this.
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I’d say that is my favourite jazz vocal album.
I presume your ‘moment’ is around 2:03, then? “Come to mama, come to mama…”
Aye….. Or any of it.
Add to that Esther Philips singing pretty much anything. She could sing the phone book and I’d react with tenting of the trouser.
But then, that’s me.
I always thought “Time to make you mine” by Lisa Stansfield is a rather fine statement of intent. And once there (so to speak) “Love to love you baby”, by Donna Summer, the full length album version, is fab.
@moose-the-mooche Yes, I think that’s what Freud would call ‘projection’. 🙂
Thanks, Tiggs!
Actually the whole of ‘AM’ is pretty much filthy.
If I now make a rude joke about “projection” will it break the universe?
Prefabs. Wild Horses. Jenny Agutter. 1.45-2.00
Oh Lord yes!
@moose-the-mooche I think that might involve displacement and cathexis. 🙂
Ohh ‘eck, I’ll put me back out again!
Moose is investing all his energy into the universe? I suppose someone has to.
For me its Sheryl Crow and ‘My Favourite Mistake’. Theres something about that guitar intro being joined by Ms Crows ooing. The fact that shes a good looking gal playing bass on this too seals the deal.
Here. Watch again!
Another vote for Ms. Crow – this time with “Home.” Apologies for the upsetting YouTube poster frame below – not in keeping with the mood of the thread. Great tune, great vibes.
Linda Hayden, Jenny Hanley and Jenny Agutter in a week. It’s like puberty all over again!
(Tomorrow: the Diane Keane appreciation thread..)
I think you’ll find most of us Afterword blokes are of a certain age.
Al Green singing “Simply Beautiful” is the sexiest song ever recorded.
Even the guitar intro is sexy, the slow groove is sexy, his voice is unbelievably sexy, the lyrics are sexy…play this to me and yes; I probably will…
Sexiest moment? The heat is definitely turned up at 0:57 when Al sings …”there’s a whole lotta things you and I could do…” his voice going up high on “things”.
No wonder the ladies were forming a queue for Al.
Al Green
Think I’d have to break my rule about women’s voices when it comes to the Reverend Al.
Here he is singing about spiritual, not carnal, love. Got that? ‘Because you could be forgiven for thinking something else. But remember he is saying to a woman it’s her that he wants but Him that he needs.
Pretty much the whole thing is a transport of delight but about 4’ 30” onwards as he squeals in a divine falsetto or growls earthily tests that resistance to temptation .
Al Green
Aha…when I read the first post I thought you had lost your mind. “Simply Beautiful” about spiritual love??? Well, that must have made God blush…I thought, until I saw this second post, video included. 🙂
Great choice Locust. A big up for Al.
And surely Isaac Hayes deserves a mention?
That’s the edited version, KFD. Do you have no staying power?
WARNING: clip contains traces of Savile
That’s a little non-specific. Erm…how should I phrase this…? Tell me, Mr Misfit, which bit of Lulu does it for you?
Two from me – Diana Ross & The Supremes – Someday We’ll Be Together – I’ve never really rated her as a singer, but thanks to Johnny Bristol’s vocal encouragements (so good they left them in the final mix), her “I Long For You” at 2.34 is a wonderfully sensual moment.
And Dusty’s version of The Look Of Love – not her vocal (which is amongst her greatest), nor the perfect sax, but the descending piano figure* at 0.34 (repeated several times throughout the track) – many cover versions leave this out, despite it being the best part of one of the greatest songs ever written.
*the musicians amongst you could probably tell me what this is actually called, if it has a name…
Wonderful! I’ve never taken too much notice of that Diana Ross track. I don’t think I’d noticed Johnny Bristol’s contribution before. That’s why I come to the Afterword.
It’s a pity your namesake, KFD, wasn’t paying attention. He might have learnt something and he would also have spotted your paragraph on The Look Of Love! 🙂
(When posting a video link, make sure it is isolated. Type your introduction, then press return twice, so there is an empty line. Then, insert the link. If you write more stuff underneath,make sure there is an empty line there too.)
Thanks Tigger – I thought I was getting the hang of it, but got over-excited and put two clips in the one post.
I don’t blame you.
Every single syllable of this song. But especially the spoken parts…..
That works for me. However, I’m no expert but isn’t she effectively saying No?
Hm. the only “no” that does it for me has “There’s” before it and “limit” after.
Another Bacharach and David song that just has to be on this list. Sung by Dusty.
Excellent. I’m surprised you didn’t point out that although her singing is perfect and the sax sublime, the sexiest part is the little descending piano figure at 34 seconds and repeated at moments throughout that really hits the spot. 😉
Another old chestnut. Maria Muldaur promising 1001 Nights of Passion by the sound of things.
The studio version is probably far better but I’d never seen a live version before.
You’ve lapsed into selecting whole songs, great as they are, not special moments.
You tell ’em, Tiggs! You tell ’em. Bastards.
Thing is, it’s quite often the surrounding bits that make it special – being shorn of context that diminish their power.
A sizzling live version of a song that features in The Big Easy. Dennis Quaid and Bonnie Raitt flirting shamelessly.
And let’s have a scene from that marvellous film too. Ellen Barkin trying very had to resist Dennis.
Bunny and Clyde?
Two Gallic sex symbols for the price of one. And even if BB sounds as though she’s singing about a rabbit, it’s pretty hot stuff.
And while we’re on Serge, it’s difficult not to mention this one. The least subtle use of a phallic symbol in a music video?
A vid that never got shown on the TOTP.
Not shown on TOTP, I wonder how much air time this track got in 1958?
Is it the moment at 1:30 when it all becomes just too much?
Songs like Je T’aime and Love to Love You Baby were deemed extremely outrageous at the time,and banned. I was very surprised to discover songs like this one even existed in the 1950’s. I would file it under ‘novelty’ rather than ‘sexy’.
What a peculiar oddity that is @alias!
Several years before the swinging 60s kicked in and Jackie (I presume) there is showing very few inhibitions.
Tried to find out a bit more but all I could garner was that this bloke, rockabilly star Gene Maltais, penned it.
I’ve got it on the comp Smell Of The Cramps – More Songs From The Vault Of Lux And Ivy. I’m currently reading Journey To The Centre Of The Cramps and Lux and Ivy clearly have an incredible record collection. I shall dig it out and see if the sleeve notes shed any light.
The strangest thing about the Je T’Aime vid is the size of their great coats. They are so big, no wonder They are getting hot under the collar.
Those Paris winters were chilly even if l’amour was clearly not. Jane is looking rather stunning.
(Forgive my lapse in not mentioning specific moments. I’ve just been pleased about remembering that fit in here. Must try harder!)
Ooer, missus!
I’m just grateful for your contributions. Otherwise, the thread would be only half as long.
Time for some Walruses of Love!
We all know that the ladies like a large chap.
From Brazil, the late great Tim Maia duetting with the rather gorgeous Gal Costa.
Barry White getting down with Lisa Stanfield. Bazza’s main contribution seems to be to grunt appreciatively in the background.
And finally Demis Roussos with .. er….. Basil Brush
Oops! I’ll get my kaftan.
Oh, Gal Costa. A Brazilian friend once mentioned that she was Pele’s girlfriend during their joint heyday, and one Sao Paulo newspaper ran a cartoon of the two of them in bed. Instead of screaming ‘Goooolllll!’ Pele was screaming, ‘Gaaaalllll!’
Scott Matthews ‘Elusive’
That puts me in mind of Terry Callier’s Dancing Girl.
The trumpet at 2:40 is sublime.
Thanks @ivylander. That story made my day. I can well believe it.
Speaking of the good lady, here is the most post-coital song I know. It is a duet between Ms. Costa and the estimable Caetano Veloso. If pressed to point out a specifically sexy aspect of the cut, I would point to the way both singers tickle the hard consonants. You can practically hear the bedsheets rustling…
A gem @ivylander! Both of almost whispering. And that unusual orchestration.
Is it woodwind? Pleasantly soporific.
Post-coital songs is a thread just waiting to be started.
“Do you smoke after sex?”
I don’t know. I’ve never looked”
Boom boom!
‘is sex dirty?’ ‘If done correctly….’
Ian Dury song sung by Sinead O’Connor “and have a proper wriggle etc…….”
Beautiful. I like the whispering at around 3:20. Aren’t The Blockheads good, finding a nugget of gold in an old seam?
Again, breaking my own rule of women’s voices only, I’m going to suggest David Ruffin.
He never really gets a mention when it comes to talk about the great soul voices, but I love the grit, the tenderness, the grain of a life lived.
Soul. That ultimately is what sex is about.
Nothing more soulful or sexy than Ruffin on the sublime chorus of the magical Walk Away From Love.
“I’m gonna walk away from love ..before love breaks my heart”
Starts gruff and ends in an ethereal falsetto, first heard at between 1.24 and 1.35
I hope you already have his album, David, recorded in 69/70 but only released in 2012. It is something of a lost classic.
He’s one of the few who have managed to successfully cover a Michael Jackson song, I Want You Back. The Funk Brothers play it pretty straight but Ruffin adds some sensual grit, especially in the hmmm-mmm bits.
Don’t know that one. See it’s on Spotify. Thanks for the tip off Tig
Listening to it now, Tigs. It’s terrific. Gratitude…..
You are welcome!
“There’s a patient by the name of Gregory”
Even the most hard-hearted NHS bureaucrat would melt at the way he sings the words Night nurse
Silence please all you cynics who want to point out that the Cool Ruler is most interested in the contents of the pharmacy cupboard. Let’s not taint this thread with tales of the person employed to blow white powder up his bum.
The entirety of this. Michael Hutchens was a great rock star.
Absolutely! If I could only pick one moment it would be the dry-mouthed pause between ‘you make me’ and ‘sweat’.
Well if entire songs are allowed, the rules have gone to pot and we’re living anarchy, I’ll nominate this. I defy you not to actually climax while listening. Or perhaps that’s just me.
If I have to stipulate one moment it’s the very final whisper of “You make me feel so good”.
Well I never! ‘Go slow on the curve’ she says. Julie had a lot of beautiful curves.
Given that it’s only 30 seconds long, I’m going to nominate the entirety of this dripping wet slice of aural Viagra.
I defy you to listen without touching yourself inappropriately.
The first 20 seconds. The almost fluffed intro and grin. The wink. It’s impossible to not find her just impossibly grrrrrr.
(And thanks to Hepworth for leading me to the track)
Jackie Deshannon ladies and gents
That wink is lovely!
This thread has really got legs. And now it’s got Legs.
Perplexing vid. The moral seems to be: if you’ve got legs, life is a stroll in the park.
Feist. 1-2-3-4.
I like the bit at around 1:18 where Ms Feist is shaking her head from side to side. I find it rather sexy. Perhaps I’m alone in this.
You are NOT alone!
“Alone in this”? You jest!
Leslie is a gamine goddess of gorgeousness.
Just the way she sings oooahooh at the beginning is enough to reduce any sensible chap to a mound of slobbering, incoherent ooze.
Evelyn Champagne is a superb singer with a fantastic alto tone. All of the majestic Love Come Down is a come on to a slow groove and a happy ending but especially when she sings
“…all the way down…” around 1.54
Evelyn is really, really good and only known for a couple of songs. Nice to see her getting a non-Shame mention on The Afterword.
Damn right Tigger. She’s fab.
But we are a pretty shameless bunch.
Anything with Ed O’Brien in the frame 🙂
So. That’s a huge chunk of Radiohead and some Cornershop and Neil Finn! Even when he is not playing guitar, he is using his pedal effects on Thom Yorke’s piano. Plenty of moments there.
As for fitting him into a picture frame, I think you’ll have some difficulty. He’s six foot five!
Oh. And good to see you, baked. Not seen you about lately.
Thankyou, Tigs :). Been too busy bakin’ . . .
This used to get us going forty years ago. Mother of radio4 boffin Dr Ben Goldacre