In anticipation of the latest Eisenhowers album going double platinum, I somewhat optimistically pressed 2 million CDs. In spite of one decent review on, we’re still only 0.00085% towards our target sales figure. There is definitely room for improvement, so my PR team have organised a ruthless publicity campaign which involves me ‘putting out’ a series of live acoustic performances of various songs from the album.
This is a link to ‘My Gang’, a song about political polarisation. The subject interests me and I wanted to explore a landscape wherein dialogue between opposing sides isn’t just frowned upon or rejected; it is taken to be undesirable. I believe ‘My Gang’ to be a well-written and a well-executed song. It’s not original and it’s not going to change the world, but in three minutes or so, it encapsulated some of the things I wanted to say about what passes for political discourse in the 21st century.
It also represents the next blow in my continuing war of attrition with the record-buying public. 2 million CDs (a) take up a lot of space and (b) weigh a ton. Please tell everyone you know to buy one, because structural damage to one’s house is no laughing matter. ‘Judge a man by the company he keeps’ is available on Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes, CD Baby and all the usual sources.
Best of luck!
Great vocal Raymond!
Thanks, gentle-people!
That’s rather good.