Make or break time for Biden at the NATO conference and he opens up by introducing President Zelensky as President Putin. Could it have started any worse?
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Musings on the byways of popular culture
mikethep says
We all make mistakes, in fact I sometimes wonder if I’m qualified to be POTUS, but it’s hard to see how the pressure from Dems and the media can save him now. We all used to think Reagan was more than a little out to lunch, but this…
Guiri says
Seems to have called Harris Vice President Trump now. Oh dear.
chiz says
Joe’s gotta go. But who’s going to tell him?
Freddy Steady says
Will he even realise if someone tells him?
Gatz says
He’s unfit to govern, his deterioration is age related and isn’t going to get any better. Simple as that.
Black Celebration says
That was a jaw-dropping moment. It’s all over for Joe.
Jaygee says
On the bright side, it’ll be all over for Orangey if the Dems can get a pair of younger and more dynamic candidates to replace JB and KH
Gary says
You’re young and dynamic, ever thought of standing yourself? I know you’re not American, but if Arnold Schwarzenegger can be POTUS I don’t see why you can’t.
Gatz says
He can’t. You have to be born in the USA. But Boris Johnson is at a loose end so they’re welcome to him.
duco01 says
Technically, you don’t have to be born in the USA to be POTUS.
It’s OK to born, for instance, on a US military base elsewhere in the world.
Senator John McCain, who ran for President against Barack Obama, was born in the Panama Canal Zone – I think his father was serving in the US military at the time.
Jaygee says
And let’s not forget BO was famously born in Kenya…
Cookieboy says
That reminds me of one of the few jokes ever cracked by a politician that actually made me laugh. Obama was asked why Trump hated him so much and he replied, “It goes back to our Kenyan boyhood…”
Gary says
Has Arnold Schwarzenegger never been President then? Well, Donald Trump was born in Scotland, I do know that much.
Jaygee says
Thanks for the kind words, G and sorry to disappoint you, but to paraphrase LBJ “If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve”
TrypF says
Biden’s got to go or the whole world, to paraphrase that old adage, won’t just catch a cold but will writhe in agony with a deadly virus if the election sneezes out Trump.
Gavin Newsom looks like the most likely candidate for me, simply because he looks like the US President from any 90s action film. You can’t ignore how powerful those optics are.
rotherhithe hack says
Most tragic aspect of this is that he has a lot to be proud of, and there’s no shame in acknowledging at the age of 82 that you’re not up to doing a job any longer. But it seems to hubris, inside Biden and probably among his family and inner circle, that is denying the reality.
I’m sure there must be some plotting among senior Democrats to rig the convention in a way that pushes him out, although I don’t know the odds on them pulling it off.
Jaygee says
Think Jill, Hunter and the rest of the Biden family aren’t so much denying the reality as dreading its disastrous impact on their finances
Guiri says
Biden and Jill may be the new Captain Tom and his daughter then. ‘Come on, just a little bit longer… for the common good obvs.’
Jaygee says
Yes, she’ll be rushing out Joe Biden branded (Bi)dentures and (Bi)dental fix in time for the convention
Beezer says
Kamala Harris would verbally disembowel Trump in any debate were she to be made the nominee. She’s a Prosceutor and he’s a convicted felon of limited intellectual capacity. He has a feral cunning but he’s an idiot.
Can you imagine how she would hone in on every wrong doing? An intelligent and vital black woman, making it oh so clear how foul he is.
Please, USA. Please.
Clive says
Maybe she has the problem that it’s hard to see what she’s done in four years then again VP is always like that and a bit of a poisoned chalice
Jaygee says
John Nance Garner’s famous quote about the Vice Presidency described the post as being “not worth a pitcher of warm piss” (subsequently bowlderized to read “spit”)
Black Type says
I’m not sure “A spit of warm piss” sounds any better, to be honest. 🤔😉
Jaygee says
Wash your mouth out, BT
Jaygee says
“An intelligent and vital black woman” who would “verbally disembowl Trump”?
Have you heard or read the sort of moronic drivel she spouts, @Beezer? She’s almost as incomprehensible as Trump himself:
Here’s KH’s idea of what Bush Senior called “the vision thing”
“We will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues…and to work together as we continue to work, operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements, that we will convene to work together…we will work on this together.”
Here’s her XL-Bully like grasp on foreign policy
“So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.”
More of this guff here and almost every other site where you google Kamala Harris quotes…,will%20work%20on%20this%20together.%22
Beezer says
Noted, sir.
But she’d still run rings round the sweaty nitwit.
Sewer Robot says
I’ve seen Kamala Harris performing in debates during primaries and she wasn’t verbally disembowelling anyone.
I remember the surprise when Obama opted for Joe as his wing man – people considered him an old duffer then (less because of age than the fact he’d already been around so long, although he was already older then than Bill Clinton was when he stopped being president. Clinton hasn’t been president for 24 years).
Leedsboy says
It is a sad situation. Biden has been pretty successful from where I stand (which isn’t very close and so could be inaccurate). He certainly seems a whole lot better than the last one. He also seems decent. But, he seems to be a long way off where he was 4 years ago and the gap is significant.
It needs some common sense and repsect to enable him to exit the race without any impact on his reputation. Trump would have a field day as well – he would certainly point to it as a win down to his doing. But I cannot see any swing voters picking Biden off the back of his performances in the last few months. The spotlight will only get bigger.
Max the Dog says
Maybe wishful thinking on my part but I still think Biden (or the Biden / Harris ticket) can win in November. The media are focusing on the most recent gaffes, as they are entitled to do, but his opponent has uttered so much scutter over the past ten years that it is no longer news-worthy. Biden mis-speaks – a lot – but he usually recognises that he has erred and tries to correct it. Trump does not have the comrehension skill to know when he has mis-spoken and ploughs on with his gibberish. I would prefer if JB had decided two years ago that one term was enough and open the race to others, including allowing his VP to build some sort of profile, but we are stuck with the binary decision. There is little doubt though that should Biden win, the office should pass to the VP within a year or two…
Jaygee says
Worth comparing “the transitional” one-term presidential candidate from the debates four years ago with the JB of the debate two weeks ago.
It’s not a pretty sight.
Sadly, the big issue here isn’t how far he’s declined since 2020, it’s how far – and fast – he will continue to decline from this point on.
Gatz says
Let’s not pretend that if Trump made the sort of gaffes that Biden has many of us wouldn’t be leaping on it as evidence of a severely impaired mind.
Jaygee says
In fairness, a still photograph of Trump is evidence of a severely impaired mind
retropath2 says
Willie Nelson for prez.
Bingo Little says
The Democrats have had eight years to figure out a response to Trump and this is what they’ve ended up with: a President with diminished cognitive function and a VP voters don’t like.
They’ll send out fundraising emails warning of a threat to democracy, but where is that threat evident in their actions? These are the same candidates who would have been in post if Trump had never run, if the world was still the same as a decade ago.
They’ve just put their hands over their ears and hoped he’d go to prison or die and the problem would go away so they could get back to regular business. Pure hubris.
Jaygee says
The “threat to democracy” trope was trotted about Labour’s supermajority here in the UK less than 10 days ago. It didn’t work for Rishi and I don’t imagine it will work for the Dems.
TrypF says
Thing is, Project 25 IS yer actual, copper-bottomed threat to democracy. For all Trump’s half-hearted distancing, the writers of this document are his mates and the people who will be running the show. They weren’t organised last time but, with a compliant Supreme Court and a Senate majority, some very bad things could be done to the rights of Americans.
Captain Darling says
Yes, this Project 2025 business is really frightening. It seems to be a combination of every kind of right-wing, oppressive, backwards idea that could set women, to highlight just one of the groups that it targets, back decades when it comes to their fundamental rights.
Of course, anybody who goes on Twitter to point out one of its awful policies is bombarded by the MAGA wingnuts with “You believe the Dems’ propaganda about this? Hahaha!”
But it seems to be real and have Trump’s tiny fingerprints all over it. I don’t know why the Dems aren’t talking about it all the time. It’s rare for somebody to publish in advance their plans to ruin a country, so why not keep telling voters what will happen in the orange hobgoblin gets in?
MC Escher says
But it wasn’t true here and is true there.
Mousey says
Kamala Harris is a black woman. therefore over half the population of the US can identify with her. She’d be a breath of fresh air after the doddering old white guys
Jaygee says
Sadly, doesn’t seem to be the case
Clive says
I wonder what % of black voters identify with her? Less than you would think I’d suggest.
Gardener says