Chums of the Afterword!
I am testing some functionality. Could you help me out by creating some posts in this thread? Maybe you’d like to use this thread as an opportunity to practise the new method of posting pictures. Or maybe you’d like to share your favourite sandwich recipes. Or poems you have written. Anything, really.
Tim The Admin says
fitterstoke says
Bargepole says
of course when you ask someone for a comment, they can’t think of anything to say – er, oh, have you seen it’s snowing outside.
minibreakfast says
Bargepole must fear not, the Fabs are on their way…
Moose the Mooche says
I’m listening to ESP by that nice man Miles Davis.
Moose the Mooche says
Rather good it is.
Bargepole says
ps – see snagging thread – just posted – why are some comments now bordered in red ? any significance?
Moose the Mooche says
I’ve just noticed those red borders.
Hannah says
Oh! Just seen that now! How strange. No significance that I know of. Will try and puzzle that out.
Gatz says
They are comments made by the poster of the OP, as I tried to post her but ended up at the bottom of the page.
Moose the Mooche says
You “tried to post her” – hur hur hur
mikethep says
Some random facts:
1 My son has started making his own butter. In Stoke Newington. Really.
2 The Welsh word for microwave is popty ping.
3 My son (the same son) bought me a 600g exile’s tub of Marmite for Christmas.
4 Er…that’s it.
Moose the Mooche says
Do they make “special export” Marmite, like they do with Guinness?
mikethep says
No, just special export quantities for Marmite junkies – available in UK too, obviously.
Moose the Mooche says
Marmite junkies – some people like heroin addicts, some people really hate them.
Mike_H says
The trouble with keeping Marmite for any length of time is that it gets thicker and thicker over time.
You may need a hammer and chisel to get the last remnants out of that tub.
fitterstoke says
If people ever find out that you play guitar, the call goes up :
“Play us a song then”
“What’ll I play?”
Cue completely blank brain…..
Moose the Mooche says
Moose the Mooche says
Inaugural mention of that on the new blog? I hope so
fitterstoke says
Whipping Post?? Nice….
VincePacket says
Isn’t that the point where you play Freebird or Stairway. It ensures they will never leave it to you to choose again.
fitterstoke says
Good point…Freebird should do it…
Moose the Mooche says
I’m considering a move to Memphis.
VincePacket says
I was walking in Memphis.
Mousey says
I might be moving to Montana soon
Mousey says
So if I reply to Moose, the comment goes right down the end, instead of in this bunch here. Why is that? Why do all these others get in a nice line after Moose and I go down th end? *sniffs, corners of mouth turn down, eyes water, pulls out hankie*
Moose the Mooche says
I would not recommend anyone gets in line behind me. I’m probably queuing for something disreputable. And, anyway, I’ve had beef stew.
Beezer says
Mornington Crescent!
duco01 says
Oh – I remember that song!. The Colourblind James Experience.
I liked the bit that went…
“Memphis is the kind of town that won’t feel like a trap
Besides, I kind of like the way it sits there on the map
I’m considering a move to Memphis, that’s Memphis Tennessee
It worked for Elvis Presley, why can’t it work for me?”
Mike_H says
Just had to Google that one.
I’ve got it somewhere on a mixtape/minidisc/CD somebody sent me but I can’t remember where.
Bargepole says
Gatz says
The red borders seem to be comments by the writer of the OP.
Hannah says
Yes! Fifty points to you.
Tim The Admin says
I reduced the amout of space around comments and made avatars a bit smaller so as to take less screen space up – not sure what’s making the highlight on the OP but I think its quite handy!
Locust says
I’m getting more and more curious about how this place looks to everybody else (on good computers/smart phones).
A lot of the things that others mention are things that I can’t see or sees very differently!
I’m probably getting the bare minimum of graphics etc because my old PC can’t handle any unnecessary finesses.
Not complaining about it, just curious! I’m beginning to think that the entire internet looks a lot more sophisticated than I’ve ever seen it…Matrix style!
Tim The Admin says
@locust Most websites, including ours, won’t look or function properly if you’re using an outdated web browser, particularly Microsoft Internet Explorer. I recommend installing Firefox or Chrome, even if your PC is very old you should be able to run the current versions – you might find it runs faster as well.
Tiggerlion says
I’m not so sure. I like to hide in the comments to my threads. The red box makes it blindingly obvious no-one else is actually making any comments!
fitterstoke says
craig42blue says
Very enjoyable…..
the Chiffons that is….
“If anyone’s in need of me
I’m drowning in the bathroom”
craig42blue says
“Then I was walking in Memphis, my feet 10 foot off of Beale”
My GLW and I had our honeymoon in Memphis and took the amtrak to N’Awleens… I’d like to go back to both again..
BTW has anyone heard of Nils Frahm… I like what I’ve heard but no nothing about him?
Tiggerlion says
Yes. He is a favourite of duco & Pencilsqueezer, to name but two. And me, make that three. Spaces is aces!
fitterstoke says
Hannah, where am I going wrong with posting YouTube vids?
Tim The Admin says
Your link is a mobile Youtube link (hence the m. in front of the URL) – the code isn’t recongised as a YouTube clip. This is a Youtube issue rather than an issue with our site. The workaround is you can edit the link – remove the “m.” from the link like so:
fitterstoke says
Thanks, Tim – how do I post in future?
fitterstoke says
Apologies, Tim – please ignore above and below – timing anomalies!
Tim The Admin says
Just paste the URL from Youtube should normally work but sometimes if you’re on a mobile device the video will have that pesky “m.” in front of it – just edit it before you post your comment. If you’re on a desktop shouldn’t be a problem.
mikethep says
Tim, there used to be a good way and a bad way of posting youtube vids – is this still the case?
fitterstoke says
I’ve checked the FAQs – I don’t see a field for vid insertion….
Tiggerlion says
If anyone remembers, in the old place, I started a thread on acupuncture 🙂
I went in October. The guy told me some guff about ‘realigning the pain pathways’. (If you haven’t spotted, I was a sceptic.) Then, he stuck about 12 needles in my leg & set fire to 4 of them!! ;-/
I could barely walk. I went home & slept six hours. The next day, I was a bit dodgy. The after that, the pain was gone!!!! :-8~ It’s still gone. I can run up & down stairs and everything.
I’d post a picture but that is simply beyond me!
Moose the Mooche says
Nice one.
minibreakfast says
Tiggerlion says
I know! That’s what I keep saying to myself. I’m even looking forward to dancing when I see Chic later in the year.
(Sadly, my emoticon skills need fine tuning. :-()
Beezer says
Fatty and Skinny
Went to bed
Fatty pumped
And Skinny was dead
mojitojoe says
Tim The Admin says
That’s not an image link, that’s a link to a web page with a picture in it.
You need to go back to Photobucket and find the direct link to the image, copy and paste that in.
mojitojoe says
i tried to delete the post just after i put it on….. coulldn’t even manage that…. haha….
mojitojoe says
now tried to edit the mis-spelling……. couldn’t manage that either…. whooooohoooooo !
fitterstoke says
fitterstoke says
Tim The Admin says
High Five!
Tiggerlion says
Is that from The Smithsonian Folkways Collection that has just been released? Is it as good as everyone says?
Zanti Misfit says
Steed is still here. How reassuring is that?
minibreakfast says
New BobBox:
minibreakfast says
Picture posting practise (no cats this time, promise):
minibreakfast says
Hot dang!
Tiggerlion says
Coincidentally, that’s exactly where I am right now!
minibreakfast says
Phew! Is it hot in here?
Moose the Mooche says
It’s Sunday night, presumably everybody’s in the bath.
I’d never be so childish as to have bubbles. Anyway, Rubber Ducky doesn’t like them.
Tiggerlion says
Of course! I like my bath water scorching hot.
minibreakfast says
Ooh! How did that one get in here?
Argot says
Game recommendation for mobile devices: Alto’s Adventure.
Just out, and it’s most entertaining.
(I have no formal or financial connection with either Alto or his adventure!)
nigelthebald says
Zanti Misfit says
How are you all able to post pics, you bastards.
Tiggerlion says
^^^ Up that man, you bastards!!!
Walter Rego says
New tune currently getting a few spins round here.
Mike Hull says
My favourite book title…
Martin Hairnet says
Peter Skidmore? Goes with the job I guess. But there’s more than a whiff of nominative determinism going on there.
GCU Grey Area says
I’ve recently written, illustrated, designed and published a book on Vosper motor torpedo boats.
Mike Hull says
Some gratuitous Wilko
mikethep says
mikethep says
mikethep says
Too big, perhaps?
GCU Grey Area says
8.00am UK time and I want beer. Damn this subliminal advertising!
minibreakfast says
Nonsense, nonsense, NONSENSE!
GCU Grey Area says
Sandcastles, surely, not sandbox.
Mousey says
Mousey says
I might be moving to Montana soon
Bargepole says
dates appear to have reverted to month first format.
Mousey says
I could try replying to the last one in the line…
Mousey says
I give up. No one understands me.
*curls up in catatonic ball*
Mousey says
GCU Grey Area says
Oh, you’ve been to St. Ives, too!
Cookieboy says
Here’s a shot of Brunei that I have tried to do three times
Cookieboy says
Another fail
Copied from Photobucket and I’m fresh out of ideas..
I think an optional “preview” step would come in handy before hitting submit
Wheldrake says
Yes to a preview option. Really missing that feature.
Tim The Admin says
To post an image it’s best to have a direct URL for the image. This should usually start with a “http”, and end with .jpg or sometimes .gif, .png etc depending on the type of image.
You’ve added HTML tags to your post but there is nothing to display – you’re just adding a link to the location where your photo is saved.
You’re using photobucket, which will create a direct link to your image. Look for the box that says “Share and Links”, and the option “direct”. Click it and it will copy and you can then paste into your comment
and here is what happens if I post it:
Cookieboy says
By god he’s go it!
This is some kind of wizardry.
When I did it I saw a code then it disappeared when I clicked submit
By the way the photo is the forecourt of the biggest shopping mal in downtown Bandar Seri Begawan in Brunei at 7.30pm on a Friday.
The folks all seemed to be heading to that golden building in the middle. Don’t know what that’s about.
minibreakfast says
Car Boot Vinyl Diaries Episode 8 by Car Boot Vinyl Diaries on Mixcloud
Wheldrake says
minibreakfast says
Testing #2
Car Boot Vinyl Diaries Episode 8 by Car Boot Vinyl Diaries on Mixcloud
minibreakfast says
Testing #3
[mixcloud width=500 height=208 hide_cover=1 hide_tracklist=1]
Tim The Admin says
@minibreakfast You can add Mixcloud links to comments but as you can see it won’t show the cover image. There is a perculiar hitch with Mixcloud which makes the image huge – (this isn’t limited to our site) – so unfortunately for now we get these boring text links!
Moose the Mooche says
Favourite sandwich recipes eh?
Christina Hendricks + me + Selma Hayek. Hold the mayo.
You did ask.
minibreakfast says
Can’t you hold the mayo yourself?
Don’t answer that.
Moose the Mooche says
Sorry luv, I’m busy.
Very busy.
minibreakfast says
It’s not going well.
Moose the Mooche says
That’s what Selma said.
Ainsley says
Though I’d try a video
Blue Boy says
This programme on BBC4 with the old film footage about ‘love’ and with the music of Richard Hawley is a rum old do isn’t it?
Wheldrake says
Utterly mystified by how to post a pic. Surely a simple upload button would be preferable? Is that possible? Or do we have to have a working knowledge of HTML?
minibreakfast says
I think for that the site would have to host the pics themselves, rather than just linking to them. I’ve no idea whether this is possible with WordPress.
Tim The Admin says
We can host the pics ourselves, and indeed we do with Reviews/Nights in etc. However, I’ve not permitted that for blog posts or comments as we’d use vast amounts of disk space, and also use up more bandwidth which is expensive. It’s better for pics to be hosted externally – unfortunately how easy (and sucessful) that is depends on the website you use to share the image.
I have to strike a balance between making things easy to do, while maintaining a site that doesn’t chew up loads of resources and cash.
Blue Boy says
No idea how to embed a video whilst on the iPad…
Tiggerlion says
In YouTube under the video, there is a bar. On the left, it has the number of views (eg 12k). On the right, there is a flag. Next to that, is a figure of math meaning less than (to paraphrase Soul Coughing). < to be specific. Plonk your finger on that & a box comes up headed "Share this video". Just below the heading is the URL in blue. Copy that & paste it here. You'll notice a dot in "tube", thusly"".
Blue Boy says
Here goes
hubert rawlinson says
Testing Testing.
Moose the Mooche says
In the manner of a mid-90s G-Funk MC I’d like to venture:
Uh, Uh,
A One Two, A One Two
Blue Boy says
Haven’t tried a photo yet so here goes
Blue Boy says
Blimey , it worked
Wheldrake says
Pic test
Wheldrake says
Wow thats big
Blue Boy says
Yours is certainly bigger than mine
Moose the Mooche says
It’s Fill-Up Marlowe!
Moose the Mooche says
Come on, that’s ^ a good joke.
fentonsteve says
The Slow Show were live in session on Dermott’s Sat afternoon BBC R2 show.
There’s a Joy Division doc thingy on Friday at 9pm on BBC4.
Now the Beeb has taken over Salford, is Manchester taking over Auntie?
Kaisfatdad says
That was interesting about the red box if the person who wrote the OP posts again.
I will go and try it and once. Some of my more obscure posts with a study in scarlet. Once I get interested in a topic, I just post away.
Now’s let try a Tube clip.
Vulpes Vulpes says
Vulpes Vulpes says
retropath2 says
I quite like leaving a youtube link as just that, rather than rubbing the observers face in it, but, just to see if I can, here is one of Tiggers favourites: Share
Tiggerlion says
Oooh! Cage’s 4’33! Love it!
Phil Pirrip says
I saw The Decemberists last night. Cracking night. I took a photo and wasn’t lynched. Hopefully this link works.
Tim The Admin says
Phil, [IMG] tags are not recognised – these are specific to certain types of Message board and Bulletin Board.
If you post just the image URL without tags it should embed….this is your pic
retropath2 says
Knew it wouldn’t work!!
Tim The Admin says
@retropath2 try posting your Youtube link on a separate line. Like this:
Blue Boy says
Tigger you are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you!
Phil Pirrip says
Nope. Try this one.
Blue Boy says
That was meant to be a reply to Tiggers advice further above on posting videos….
Tiggerlion says
Well come on, then, Blue! Let’s see you in action.
Blue Boy says
Is this reply going to appear where it should?
Blue Boy says
Yes it is. Tigger see various posts dotted randomly around this thread. The incompetence is all mine
badartdog says
Beezer says
That is very beautiful. And funny. You win 5 internets and a web
Phil Pirrip says
Gah! If this doesn’t work I’m giving up and going to find the instructions.
Phil Pirrip says
Moose the Mooche says
Moose the Mooche says
fitterstoke says
Robot arm…
hedgepig says
Hey, that’s nearly my name.
Moose the Mooche says
Wait….. does this mean you founded the Arm & Hammer toothpaste empire….. with MC Hammer?
Your slogan was “We’re all teeth and trousers”…. respect!
Moose the Mooche says
This thread is completely ridiculous.
Moose the Mooche says
Yer man out of Midnight Oil’s let himself go etc.
Blue Boy says
This is meant to be a reply to Tiggers post above, but am not confident it will appear immediately below it.
did post a video of Richard Hawley further up, but just to prove to myself it wasn’t a fluke here is the wonderful Frazey Ford
Tiggerlion says
Moose the Mooche says
One for mini – look at this daft sod.
minibreakfast says
Aw. Yours?
Moose the Mooche says
Nay lass, a neighbour’s. Nice little woolly article he is. This was taken last summer and we’ve moved since then so he’s probably inconveniencing somebody else on their way out to the bins.
Blue Boy says
I was right – it didn’t appear as a reply to Tigger. The ‘reply’ button only seems to work sporadically but that could be down to me….
Mousey says
Mousey says
Mousey says
Baskerville Old Face says
Eee…a bit o’ George!
GCU Grey Area says
Mark Williams as George Formby, from Alexei Sayle’s ‘Stuff’. Part of a longer sketch concerning what Einstein did in his ‘wilderness’ years.
Baskerville Old Face says
And then there was Sellers…
BigJimBob says
Right let’s try this, Count the black balls:
BigJimBob says
What about this? Count the black balls:
BigJimBob says
BigJimBob says
try again??
BigJimBob says
BigJimBob says
curses! I’ll stop here before I embarrass myself
Baskerville Old Face says
No ball!
minibreakfast says
BigJimBob says
that i can do but how does one imbed? Does it have to be in photobucket?
minibreakfast says
Yes. I was just trying out your link to see what happened. From Photobucket copy and paste the Direct link, no other html markup required. G’luck!
Carl says
My favourite sandwich, nice nutty, granary bread with a filling of tuna, avocado and mayonnaise.
Moose the Mooche says
Very good advice
GCU Grey Area says
How could anyone resist?
Muriel – what a name for a manufacturer. Also, odd that you get ‘About’ 5 in the packet for 25 cents. 4? 4 and a half?
Taschen do a series of books of adverts from various decades full of great ads like that.
Kid Dynamite says
badger_king says
Will there ever be preview again?
I wanted to link some words in my post on another blog, but couldn’t see how in the FAQ. Some of the links in that aren’t quite finished – i.e. “INSTRUCTIONS HERE”.
Could it be that standard WordPress coding works?
i.e. Linked words here
badger_king says
Yes… ok, answered my own question a bit. 🙂
Sewer Robot says
An idiot seeks advice:
I posted a pic easily enough from Photobucket (benefiting from a read through everyone else’s nightmares) but I deliberately chose a small one as I couldn’t see how to re-size a larger one. I notice now even on the front page the illustrations (which I seem to recall were always squashed down to uniform dimensions) are of different sizes.
So, how do I make my pic nice and small? Can I do it in Photobucket or do I have to do it before I upload it there?
minibreakfast says
In Photobucket click on the pic in question. You should then see five icons in the top-right corner (you may have to hover your mouse around a bit). Select the one that looks like a little paintbrush – this takes you to the edit suite where you select ‘Resize’. Change the width to something smaller and the length will take care of itself. Hur, hur. You can then save it separately or as an additional image.
Hope that makes sense – I’m in a hurry, for me tea has just arrived 🙂
Sewer Robot says
Thanks mini. Belated bon appetit!
minibreakfast says
“..separately or as an additional image..” Dur, I meant separately or as a replacement.
(I’ve had me tea).
Uncle Wheaty says
Lets Rock:
Mousey says
Trying some things
Mousey says
So do we have any instructions about how to post photos yet? Sorry if I’ve missed them somewhere
Blue Boy says
Rigid Digit cracked it for me somewhere in the thread on how to post images. First sign up to Photobucket if you havent already. Upload photo to your account from your own image library. Then select it and copy the Direct link which is under the list of ‘Share links’. Paste it here et voila…
Blue Boy says
mojitojoe says
mojitojoe says
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha….. it works !
Blue Boy says
Blue Boy says
That’s better. Once more to be sure…
walker1 says
Very nice picture. Taken recently? Mum and Dad are up there this week.
Blue Boy says
Sadly not my picture, but off the web in anticipation of a couple of days up at Wastwater this weekend. Can’t wait…
Blue Boy says
Mousey, I assume the same applies for tiny pic and other photo library sites but then it looks as if that is what you’ve tried so not sure….
Mousey says
Blue Boy – yep that’s exactly what I tried – Tinypic worked brilliantly for me on the old site – no signup or login etc. Sigh. Will try Photobucket – hold on to your hats folks
walker1 says
Just testing
GCU Grey Area says
Is it me, or does the ‘Mummers’ keyboard player look like Milton Jones?
Moose the Mooche says
Sedagive by Sir-Cox-A-Blox on DeviantArt
MC Escher says
MC Escher says
Harold Holt says
As a service to humanity in general, and a thread about nonsense, laydeez and gennelmen, Alberto Y Los Trios Paranoias, “Heads Down No Nonsense Mindless Boogie”
Ainsley says
Just seeing if I can post a working link
Ainsley says
Which I can!
Baskerville Old Face says
Nonsense, you say? Well we can do that…
Baskerville Old Face says
Mr Pastry dancing ‘The Lancers’
Baskerville Old Face says
A classic!
Moose the Mooche says
minibreakfast says
Moose the Mooche says
I wonder if this works.
Moose the Mooche says
Moose the Mooche says
fitterstoke says
Moose the Mooche says
GCU Grey Area says
On a recent ‘Antiques Roadshow’, they featured an expert called Timon Screech.
In today’s theguardian, is an American politician called Zephyr Teachout.
minibreakfast says
And what’s wrong with those? Fine names indeed.
Jomoniel Buttplug.
davebigpicture says
One of the Suffolk Buttplugs?
minibreakfast says
Well certainly not one of those dreadful Norfolk ones, dahling.
Jackthebiscuit says
The Sailors Prayer.
O Lord above
Send down a dove
With teeth wots as sharp as razors.
To slit the throats
Of them there blokes
Wot sells
Bad beer
To Sailors…
Zanti Misfit says
Image test
Zanti Misfit says
Rigid Digit says
Image Test
(wasn’t working for me t’other day)
Rigid Digit says
it is now
Rigid Digit says
Rigid Digit says
still works, even without carriage return (why would it need that? don’t know, just being a div I expect)
GCU Grey Area says
Trying out a few bits and pieces in html,
codedin Sea Monkey.
Let’s see if it works
Lino-related coccyx injury
Womble-based ghost dominatrix
Saveloys in theguardian
Senseless waste of bongos
Off the peg Fall review
Crabstick Postcodes
Ketamine Nachos
GCU Grey Area says
Note to self – bulleted list and create table (comma makes column) not working here.
minibreakfast says
Mmmm. Saveloys.
GCU Grey Area says
Photobucket woes 18/9/2015, iMac booted from 10.6.8 vol, Safari 5.x.x
Share links
GCU Grey Area says
Note to self – why Direct not work on Dislike thread few mins ago?
GCU Grey Area says
Photobucket woes 01/2016. Photos uploaded to Pbucket deleted without me doing so. Odd webproxy error message received.
Poppy Succeeds says
Has anyone else seen Pain & Gain.? I saw it last night and I can’t decide if it was a work of berserk genius or a complete turkey.
Tiggerlion says
More importantly, who saw Celebrity Big Brother? Angie was told the news of her ex’s death. She couldn’t keep it secret & told a dippy young girl, Tiffany, that David is dead. Tiffany thought she meant David Gest, another of the inmates. It was car-crash telly for a good half hour. i have a feeling Bowie would have found it hilarious.
Poppy Succeeds says
I didn’t see that. I was watching Pain & Gain.
Hawkfall says
Can I post a haiku about Picked Onion Monster Munch?
Chemical taste
Tingling maize upon your tongue
Were bigger before
Hannah says
Hello, just trying something… don’t mind me…
Hannah says
pencilsqueezer says
Painty painty painting.
Locust says
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeousness.
Mine mine MIIIIIIIINE! 🙂
MC Escher says
Not seeing any red borders on Chrome and Windows 7. *sniff*
GCU Grey Area says
Hmm, does this mean imgur’s come out to play again?
Leicester Bangs says
Those guys shouting ‘guilty!’ on Erasure’s hit single ‘Drama’, are The Jesus And Mary Chain, who happened to be recording in the studio next door.
Moose the Mooche says
It works!
Moose the Mooche says
He’s been sitting there saying that for four and a half years. No wonder he’s pissed off.
Moose the Mooche says
GCU Grey Area says
Whalebone corset,
Gym slip.
Moose the Mooche says
Shoe, megaphone, grunties.
hubert rawlinson says
Moose the Mooche says
This is literally what the Business/Economics bit of news programmes sounds like to me.
mikethep says
I have made a discovery today, and thanks to Thread Reviver Mooche this seems as good as place as any to pass it on.
In Switzerland there a place called Wankdorf, where plays a team called Young Boys. Wankdorf Young Boys seems like a team worth a follow.
This is true.
Moose the Mooche says
He was pulled off at half time etc.
GCU Grey Area says
35th Anniversary reissue, according to Superdeluxeedition[dot]com. Ahem…
Moose the Mooche says
Great! Now do Black Uhuru
Moose the Mooche says
Oop! I notice they’re already on this thread courtesy of Hannah, bless ‘er.
GCU Grey Area says
Christmas Greetings from Somerset.
fitterstoke says
Ketamine Nachos – TMFTL
hubert rawlinson says
and from Yorkshire
GCU Grey Area says
My partner is in Orkney at present, and reports that the village of Twatt no longer has any signs saying such, due to hurr-hurr induced theft.
I can report that the sign for ‘Gobblecock Cottage’ near Woodbridge in Suffolk no longer stands.
No news yet on ‘Crazy Mary’s Hole’ near Lowestoft…
Rigid Digit says
I believe all these other signs remain in place:
GCU Grey Area says
I can vouch for Shitterton, it being not far from where we live. I think they had those monolithic boulder-based, serious-fcuk-off village signs done, to prevent hurr-hurr related theft.
Scunthorpe not on that map…
Rigid Digit says
Nor Bell End – too much of a detour across the midlands
hubert rawlinson says
Or Netherthong and Upperthong both nearish to Penistone.
Don’t even of thinking of popping over to Germany or Austria where the solitary vice or making the beast with two backs awaits.
GCU Grey Area says
Every tv listing for ‘The Repair Shop’ in thegrauniad is like that Fast Show sketch, where the wife asks the husband ‘Did you get the things we needed from the shops? Better even than that – I got
hubert rawlinson says
Or that game you used to play “I went on holiday and in my suitcase I packed…….”