Anybody want to report their booty? I made a bit of a day of it and dragged the kids out. The youngest was bored shitless and mainly played on his phone, but the eldest was very much into the whole idea and bagged The Boy With the Arab Strap by Belle and Sebastian. As for me, I somewhat overdid it and came away with…
Warpaint — The Fool Weatherall Mixes
The Cure – Faith picture disc
Primal Scream – Dixie Narco EP
Poly Styrene – Translucence
Ultravox – Vienna (Steven Wilson Mix)
I had also hoped to buy the Tom Tom Club, the Wu Tang/Texas remixes and the Dennis Bovell, but couldn’t. However, I got the Texas and the Dennis Bovell from the 6pm online sale at Resident, so the only fail was the Tom Tom Club.
A fun day. Was (Not Was) on the drive there. Wales v Switzerland on the drive home.
I had to attend the boy’s end-of-season awards this morning, so missed the early bird’s worms. He won the “most improved this season” award so it was worth it.
Bagged the Tears For Fears live CD and the Madness b-sides Vol 2 – wish I’d bought Vol 1 a few years ago. Picked up quite a bit more in the S/H LPs for £2.50, 12″ for a quid crates. It felt good to be crate-digging again.
Ordered the ‘Oo and Help EPs from Assai at 6pm. Hovered over the Belly b-sides comp but I know it’s coming out on normal-priced lack vinyl soon.
Most of what I’d requested – Carly Simon, the Selecter – was moved back to July.
Most Improved is the best category to win. Not everyone has natural talent but everyone can learn and work hard if they put their mind to it. Well done to Fenton junior.
He was apparently one vote off winning it last year, so I’d given up hope. He plays in defence/midfield so never gets the glory of his name on the score sheet. And I wear the FA ‘Respect’ tabbard – “Mind your language! Put that fag out! Stop abusing the Ref!”
Club chairman read out my email to much amusement: “We’re looking forward to another season of getting in the way”. Is Awkward Git a medically-recognised hereditary gene?
Belly put out a long statement on their FB page yesterday as US pre-orders (on Run Out Groove) are still delayed due to Covid. 4AD had intended to release it on black vinyl (last Easter), but nobody knows whether that is still true or it will be cancelled. The ‘honey’ coloured RSD UK vinyl is at least pressed at MPO. So I bought a copy just in case. There are still plenty out there.
WWas a good day:
Primal Scream – Dixie Narco ep and Riot City Blues LP.
Elvis Costello French EP
Beatles in Reggae – was on my wishlist and bagged the only one in the shop.
Conor Oberst Ruminations – a Brucie bonus – expanded version of an album I love and wasnt aware of it.
Nothing there for me this year. Nice lie in.
This was probably the least impressive selection (for me) for a few years. There were a few things I was half-interested in e.g. the Suede live album but (a) coloured vinyl and (b) I have it on the DVD from the 2CD+DVD edition of the debut album and the Ian Dury 12″ but not at £22 for green vinyl repress of a £2 on Discogs staple.
My tiny local store gets all their Discogs & bargain stock out of storage and onto trestle tables under a marquee, I spent more crate-digging those than on RSD stock. LPs £2.50 each, 12″ singles a quid each, 7″ 25p each – there were thousands but I don’t really do 7″ singles and I had limited time.
Drop 2 looks a bit more interesting.
Sat this one out. Most stores not open yet and for me the offerings were underwhelming
4 replies thus far says something. Anyway, I bought a few things online at 6pm. I confess I have little or no idea where the shops involved are actually located. Having established over the years that the things I actually want, if any, tend not to be particularly limited or rare, I have a more relaxed approach
I did go out and buy something from the shop where I live ,albeit it doesn’t take part in RSD. I couldn’t be arsed to spend 3 -4 hours travelling to and from the nearest participating shop, without knowing whether they even had the things i was interested in
I actually forgot about it until this post. Will have a mooch online, but if I recall correctly RSD2 had the better choices
(or better to me anyway)
Went with my son to Record Collector in Sheffield
Primal Scream – Riot City Blues Sessions
Steely Dan – Two Against Nature and Everything Must Go
The Residents – Leftovers Again
Focus – Singles,Deep Cuts and BBC Sessions
Groundhogs – Who Will Save The World?
The Police – Both the live albums
Blackbeard – I Wah Dub
And my son bought the Noel Gallagher compilation
A splendid day had by all!!
Phew. What a haul! Later that evening I, too, bagged myself the Dennis Bovell album via the 6pm cut-off.
It’s quite a haul isn’t it?
Beans on toast for the next few weeks!!😀😀😀
Are those Dan albums any good? @LesterTheNightfly
Both excellent. I’m looking for either/both on vinyl.
EMG in stock at Assai:
Ta just got one. I was hoping to get it from my local shop who said they’d ordered 12 EMG and TAN, actually got 5 and sold the lot by lunchtime on Saturday.
So now I want TAN too…
I like them. Pretty much your standard Dan fare in my opinion.
“Everything Must Go” is the better of the two
Thanks, may try and get it
The difference is TAN was recorded by the endless moving bands approach of the later albums. EMG was recorded using the road band live in the studio live to tape. A mix of that was then digitised and the various solo overdubs were tracked digitally (avoiding tape wear) then the overdubs were individually recorded back onto the tape multitrack and mixed there on analogue console. The final mix was then digitised for CD. What I don’t know is whether the vinyl master was cut from tape…I need to know….!
I have the original 1980 issue of I Wah Dub on unblemished vinyl.
Mine’s just arrived. Also unblemished, pleased to say.
@Mike_H me too!
I always thought “No matter what the others may say, That Twang is a man of impeccable taste.”
Did anyone pick up Elton John’s “Regimental Sgt. Zippo”, the full album of material he recorded in 1967/68 BEFORE Empty Sky, which was never released at the time for one reason or another and has sat in the can for 53 years?
Wasn’t an option at my local shop. They played a bit on Front Row on Friday evening and it sounded… interesting.
Yep, but haven’t had a chance to play it yet. The title track sounds like Reg meets Sgt Pepper.
That’s too much like Terry Gilliam. I keep expecting to see Konrad Poohs and his Dancing Teeth.
What is the Weatherall take on Warpaint like? I’m very curious to hear it, but it was a bit too expensive for me. I presume it’s just a slightly different vibe and doesn’t suddenly sound like One Dove?
Main thing I’m interested in this year is drop 2’s Sisters radio sessions, but I am a bit dubious about shelling out forty quid for it…
You’d be right. Based on my one play so far, the difference is actually fairly minimal. It’s certainly not a radical overhaul.
Happy with my haul. Sometimes a record slips into the pile on RSD and it *never* gets listened to. I have tried to laser in on things I will listen to. And I was able to listen to them all on Saturday.
Elton John – Regimental Sgt Zippo
I haven’t bought the Jewel Box set and thought this was all drawn from that, but it’s not. There are some duplications but most of the album is full band performances where they’re just demos on the JB set. Plus there’s one wholly unreleased song. A fun album, suffused with that 1968 pop-psych slipstream that many UK acts travelled in (think: The Idle Race, Tomorrow). If you like 1968 Bee Gees, you’ll like this.
The Who – Face Dances
I’ve never owned this album, can’t recall ever listening to it. It’s rather good. The reissue is a nice item – four prints, great sleeve reproduction, double coloured vinyl that sounds great, Half-speed mastering. I’ve listened to it three times over the weekend. I like this album.
Steely Dan – Two Against Nature & Everything Must Go.
Loved Two Against Nature when it came out. Everything Must Go less so. @LesterTheNightfly is the only person I’ve seen who would put EMG as the better album! These reissues sound fan-tastic. There’s a lot of people spending money on Super Hifi master pressings and yet these regular reissues sound as good as anything. I still can’t get into EMG, but 2vN has some amazing highlights, Almost Gothic is as good as any Dan song.
A good day out!
I really like them both. I agree TAN is slightly better song wise but EMG sounds fantastic.
Thanks for spotting the mistake Doc!
I meant to put “Two Against Nature”!
After I fucking bought EMG!
(And not particularly impressed so far)
Face Dances is better than It’s Hard, that’s the best I can say about it. The single was very good though
As one of the small number of diehard Raybeats fans, I was delighted to pick up the Raybeats Philip Glass Sessions. It sounds great – twangy and slightly weird. I also picked up the Johnny Thunders Live, which may well be one of those RSD buys that does not get many plays. But it was good to see my pals in Love Music, good to still have them there.
In previous years, there have been more events there – I have DJ’d at some, and in different years both the Primevals and the Beat Poets have played at events (in the pub just down the road.). So I missed catching up with a bunch of pals and blethering about music, but we can hope that next year’s event will be back to a full day out.
And – as my pals in Monorail said to me some years ago when I was in on the Monday after RSD, picking up 2 things from the leftover pile and a couple of other LPs – “for guys like you, EVERY DAY Is Record Store Day”. If it gets more casual buyers out and about and helps keep small shops going, then I will not get too fussed about people trying to scalp rare records on ebay.
Spot on @el-hombre-malo – I feel a duty to support the stores before they disappear for good and we get hundreds of posts on here bemoaning their loss.
As it was I got to speak to some pleasant people and picked up some great music into the bargain.
the ebay thing is a side issue that doesn’t affect me because I got what I was looking for and had I have not been able to do so I wouldn’t have gone to ebay anyway.
The best idea RSD had for years was last year’s decision to sell leftover stock online at 6pm. I hope they continue with that after Covid restrictions are ended.
The usual thing is to sell leftover stock online 1 week after RSD which gives a week long window to get more customers in the shops which I think they should revert back to when the Pandemic is a bit more under control otherwise it’ll give shops who do lots of trade online an unfair advantage (many don’t) and the whole point of RSD was to get people into bricks and mortar shops. Case in point – Musical Box a shop in the outskirts of Liverpool that has been open since the late 1940s did their first RSD this year – and by all accounts it went great but if you want to see if they have anything left you need to either go there or phone 0151 263 3845!
The downside being it gives the scalpers a week to inflate the market. It must be a hell of a day for the shop workers, my local was open at 8am, closed at 5 or 5:30pm, remaining stock put online by 6pm. I was amazed to see him open again on Sunday.
Also picked up The Zombies release Oddities and Extras on Sun afternoon. Completely wonderful, could turn into one of my favourite RSD releases (current fave is alternate Moondance)
My “Everything Must Go” pressing isn’t brilliant. There’s a visible flaw around the end of track 2 like a little bump, and some nasty crackles at the start of the title track. Vinyl, eh. Annoying on a record which cost nearly 30 quid!