Yes, the prices for the Stockholm gig tickets look pretty high, too. Especially for a 45,000-capacity arena.
I’ve only seen McCartney once, and that was at the 14,000-seater Globe Arena in December 2011. The ticket cost around £80. I have to say that PMC was absolutely brilliant, playing a 2 and three-quarter hour set of songs from the past 50 years – a great mix of the more obvious classics with less predictable gems.
I can’t believe that he’ll top that show in July, so I think I’ll probably give him a miss this time. But maybe I’ll regret it….
He’s brilliant. Seen him a couple of times now. But I feel I know the set and the routines pretty well and, however good he is, he’ll never be as good as the records.
Prices on Ticketmaster vary between £165 and £2,200!!
Yes, the prices for the Stockholm gig tickets look pretty high, too. Especially for a 45,000-capacity arena.
I’ve only seen McCartney once, and that was at the 14,000-seater Globe Arena in December 2011. The ticket cost around £80. I have to say that PMC was absolutely brilliant, playing a 2 and three-quarter hour set of songs from the past 50 years – a great mix of the more obvious classics with less predictable gems.
I can’t believe that he’ll top that show in July, so I think I’ll probably give him a miss this time. But maybe I’ll regret it….
He’s brilliant. Seen him a couple of times now. But I feel I know the set and the routines pretty well and, however good he is, he’ll never be as good as the records.