Thank you mr Team for bringing it back. Any chance of giving it a dedicated page so those who use it as a forum rather than a blog can see it slightly embiggened?
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Musings on the byways of popular culture
MC Escher says
Love the hard work you must do to keep it ticking over. I must donate again…
Mod Team says
Probably being dim here (it’s been known) but could you elaborate on what that would look like? We’re struggling a bit to understand how that would be different from the normal Forum page?
MC Escher says
My usual emtry point is the /blog url where it appears as a pane on the right with half a dozen titles. My idea was a specific url with a whole page of the sods in the same last updated order
Mod Team says
Got it now. We’ll add it to the list
MC Escher says
Thanks, appreciated.
salwarpe says
Could it be that, on a computer, the ‘recently updated posts’ list appears on the right at the top, while on a phone/tablet, it appears right at the bottom, after all the posts themselves?
hubert rawlinson says
If I put my tablet landscape then recently updated shows on the right as it did on the PC.
salwarpe says
Cool tricks. I’ll have to try that out.
If I can ever wrestle my shattered screen tablet out of the steel talons of my children.
Moose the Mooche says
I assumed it had been removed to dissuade tedious wankers from waking old threads up from the dead. I hate those guys.
salwarpe says
Yeah.Me too.