I don’t think this has been on here before, my mate sent it to me describing it as a “Yorkshire Spinal Tap” which it isn’t quite. What it is is brilliant, toe curling in places but also a real period piece. Who’s going to be the first to say “It’s why punk had to happen?”
Edith…erm, it appears to end a bit suddenly!
Was discussed on The Word podcast recently (remember that?) and I subsequently watched it. It’s pretty good fun
Also ,there were other on the road documentaries discussed, Dai, I couldn’t catch the names, do you know them or have the links?
Afraid not @seekenee
Thanks, @dai
Documentary on Kursaal Flyers c1976
There was one on the Mike Stuart Span, which is worth watching. It captures a band struggling with management issues c 1968 and morphing from a pop band into a more prog direction. And there’s this one:
I grew up in the 70s between Leeds and Bradford (Pudsey) and this is a reminder why bands such as Mekons, Gang of Four and Delta 5 were such a shock to the system when bands like this were the norm on the local circuit at the time. I worked in working men’s clubs where the headline acts were Smokie, Black Lace and the Grumbleweeds. Even Be Bop Deluxe were considered ‘weird’.
The golden age of the cap-sleeve t shirt
Fascinating time piece!
They would have gone down well in The Talbot in Great Yarmouth in the early 1980s!
Which one was the Talbot @uncle-wheaty?
`The Talbots they used to turn out in the Coventry car factories of the late 70s and early 80s wouldn’t have got you down as far as Rugby, never mind Great Yarmouth
You’re learning a Bee Gees’ song, a f******* Bee Gees’ song, a f******* Bee Gees’ song… for a f****** week? Did I hear that right?
“Opportunity Knocks”? Yikes. Are you George?
Cruelly, at the very, very, very, very, very end of the 30 minutes there was a glimmer of hope – it came in the last ten seconds, I told you it was cruel – THIS IS YOUR CHANCE – they announced they were going to, in a throwaway line… erm… “play a bit of rock ‘n’ roll”.
That, right there, was their ‘out’. Don’t take a week to master Slow Down, and no one gives a shite about the Bee Gees.
Oh dear, I’ve got news for you chaps, and yes, I would DEFINITELY have said it at the time…
Why on earth didn’t you do that in the first place?
And there you have it
Listen to the sage advice of one who knows…