Power ballads I cannot be doing with. Now a premium cheesy song with sweet harmonies and sentiments with a few hooks and a sublime middle eight, ideally by an artist who is seeking a hit outside of albums … quite different. Todd the Godd is a master of such things. Who else?
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I haven’t heard that one in a long time.
Alessi is more.
Swiss Appenzeller. Rather strong, place it opened in your fridge and pretty soon everything in there tastes like it. Also can give vaguely hallucinogenic dreams ….
I favour Vacherin Mont d’Or, washed in brandy. This was served to me when some friends took me out for my 50th and caused me to blurt ‘fucking extraordinary’ in a Michelin starred restaurant. Very satisfying.
Mmm this
In our descent there could only be a euro dance thread left….which I am totally up for. Continental cheese is the best cheese.
Love this one.
Perfect pop
This cheesy ?
What’s cheesy about this? It’s just a great pop song.
Power ballad.
Just a nice pop song.
Has anyone noticed the similarity to Radiohead’s Creep …
Speaking of air
AKA Gruyair Supply
I love that song.
Another power ballad.
This cheesy?
More cheese
We spoke recently of the greatness of 1979, but did not mention this slab of cheese
I always thought he had the perfect name for a fluffer.
Surely le grand fromage of cheesy songs
Have RH and RV ever been seen together in the same place at the same time?
Was Kate Bush listening to that when she wrote Baboushka?
Of course, Cliff Richard was the king of cheese, so who are these usurpers to his crown?
As you can see from the image, there were 20 classics on the cassette tape my parents would play in the car on long journeys from Zurich to the UK. Exporting Swiss cheese, you might say. A Proustian rush to hear it now.
Big seller in Kurdistan that album
They’ll always have their whey.
They’re out of their tiny rinds
Seriously? I suppose there’s a tribute act – the Muslim Brotherhood of Man.
Toppermost of the cheese here
Warning it features very hairy men with perms!
Did he really write that in his loft?
The b side was I am Going To write a Ballad.
Opening lines…
I am going to write a ballad
I am eating a salad… now
The lettuce isn’t flaccid…wow
Afterword’s gone bonkers. Nothing remotely cheesey about Oh Lori or Dancing In The City. Oh Lori is light, breezy and superb pop and Dancing In The City is sultry and sexy and superb pop.
Cheesey is Lady In Red. And that Bryan Adams Robin Hood thingy.
Do Ya Think I’m Sexy?
I can’t decide whether to go for the obvious Spinal Tap quote and ask “what’s wrong with being sexy?”, when I feel it would be even more hilarious to purposely misquote it and ask “what’s wrong with being sexist?”. Such an inversion of the original line would display my comedic talents to their full extent, but might also leave me open to accusations of being discriminatory in my values.
Cheese with a side helping of onions
Summer (the first time,), must be up there!
One working definition of cheese would
Be ‘Simon Bates Golden Hour staple’ of which this is one
Sweet dreams are made of cheese
who am I to dis a brie
I cheddar the world and the feta cheese
everybody’s looking for Stilton
Philadelphia freedom?
Camembert Electrique?
Oooohh! Yes sir, I can halloumi
But I need a certain song
I can halloumi, halloumi loomi all night long
The Undertones – Wensleydale Week
Cheese, oh cheese, you’re so gouda
You make my heart sing hallelujah
Anita Ward – You Can Ring My Bel Paese
We Gouda Get Out Of This Place
Edam! I Wish I Was Your Lover
Caerphilly With That Axe, Eugene!
It Happened In Monterey Jack
That’s side one of Phil Mozarella’s first solo album
Your own Personal Cheeses
Marco, Merrick, Dairylea!
Emmental Machine Music
He’s the Grated Dancer
Ok what is cheese? Various offerings have been dismissed with ‘ just a good pop song’ , ‘power ballad’ etc.
So what defines cheese? .
Schmaltzy, mawkish, sappy…?
I think Air Supply’s All out of Love is cheesy. Or Every Day Hurts by Sad Cafe.
Cheese is ubiquitous in pop, as is mawkish drama. Basic elements, sometimes excessive, reflecting teen angst, joy and heartbreak. The Sad Cafe song is a great pop song. Not really especially cheesy I would say.
There seems to be some controversy at the moment regarding the spelling of the adjective, so I looked it up on my computer and found the definitive answer. Just one of the many advantages of having a Mac.
My man! The superfluous ‘e’ in words ending in ‘y’ is one of the banes of modern civilisation.
But the “e” was there before we even thought of the “y”. All very confusing. Where do we stand on Smiley’s People? And Racey?
Racey is acceptable as it is a band name and doesn’t claim to be a verb.
Funny you mention that Wheat. I saw an old mate on Monday and we had our usual boys night – long walk, couple of pints. Home cooked dinner and a bloke movie or two. Then we go onto deep cuts on YouTube, much loved classics, new discoveries, etc. Then we play Crappiest Ever, to much hilarity. He played this, and I cannot disagree. Just, the crappiest thing on YouTube. I challenge anyone to sit through all of it. I failed.
That’s poor.
That’s very poor.
That’s buttock-clenchingly piss-poor.
(With apologies to Private Eye)
The great Scottish guitarist Dav(e)y Graham had it both ways.
On some of his albums his first name is spelt “Davy”, while on others, it’s “Davey”.
On Freaky Trigger’s Popular site, this was described as “…the cheesiest Number One of the seventies. It’s so cheddar-enriched, in fact, you could have used the disc as a topping for a shepherds pie. But even greater doses of Double Gloucester could be enjoyed when considering how Lenny Peters obtained his white stick…”
Blatant use of a disablist trope, equating blindness with Double Gloucester.
I agree, when will this madness end?
As Crocodile Dundee might say:
“You call that cheesy? THIS is cheesy!”
Note the similarity between this singer’s look and Vivian Stanshall in lounge singer mode.
Ok, ok. I got one. Lady in Red.
Already mentioned by an illiterate moron above.
Ok how about… drums fingers ….We are the world
Wonderful Tonight
I Just Called To Say I Love You
Everything I Do (I Do It For You)
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Solid (As A Rock)