Issue one of an ebook dedicated to long form interviews featuring Steve Hackett, Yes (Geoff Downes), Cowboy Junkies (Mike Timmins), Big Big Train and Matt Stevens. Available for download now from just £1. The introduction to it, and the web address is below. Thank you kindly….
Welcome to the opening strains of “Poppies From A Tray”. Think of it as the deafening mellotron at the start of “Watcher of the Skies”, the curl of feedback that opens “I Feel Fine”, the hiss of the pipes that greets “Mining For Gold”, or whichever opening note takes your fancy.
Comrades, we stand at the beginning of a grand journey, at the start line of absurd ambition. Our goal? To produce a regular ebook of far ranging interviews, none of them constricted by the usual boundaries of design and capacity.
Using the infinite inventory of the ebook format, our interviews will extend for as long as they hold our interest, or until our victims lose patience and throw us through a window – we travel with a team of paramedics at all times.
Please, spread the word. You are our advertising budget. Spend it wisely.
I commend this motion to the House. I wanted it for the interview with Greg Spawton from Big Big Train (which is a terrific read, full of insight and revelation into some of his lyrics) but the rest of it is equally as good. Excellent stuff!
Gawd bless ya guv.
Greg was a brilliant interviewee, so generous with his time. Grilled him for nearly two hours…
Issue 2 has Dave Pegg on John Bonham, John Altman on his role as the George Martin of The Rutles, Dave Gregory on XTC and the highly recommended Tin Spirits, and hopefully Jerry Marotta on the early Gabriel albums – hoping to interview him next week.
Trying to get Mark Ellen as well…
Absolutely blimmin marvellous.
“If you read only one e-book of long form interviews this year make it this one” – P. Squeezer.
I’m in, when I can find my wallet. A paypal option would have sealed the deal straight away…
You asked and, six months later, we delivered. You can now pay by PayPal.
In addition, edition 2 is nearing completion comrades. Features lengthy, in depth, interviews with Dave Gregory on XTC, Tin Spirits & Big Big Train, with John Altman on being the George Martin of The Rutles and what it was like to transform “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life” into something useable, a vintage Phil Collins interview from when he was still just the singer in Genesis, Stoney Lane Records on the ups and downs of creating a jazz label in the modern age, Norway’s glorious Silje Leirvik on her first two albums, a reflection on Richard Wright and, possibly, Jerry Marotta on those early Gabriel albums. Coming soon…