I think guys with ponytails should be required to free the locks at gigs. There’s a time for flying hair, and that’s when one is in the living presence of Messrs Rock and Roll.
Yes, but if you just cut them off and hand the ‘pony’ to them, they could wave them about with one hand whilst waving their lighter (or iPhone) about with the other hand.
A good trick is to have long hair for a while in middle age. Then when you do get it cut, you automatically look so much younger. Perhaps that’s what they’re all up to.
Well yes, that would work. But I’m in an Apidistra and Hatstand at the moment and I am looking at a bunch of four guys, all bald, each occasionally flicking their ‘pony’s’ in the fashion of young wimmins’. I am astonished at this ‘self awareness’ in what I think are late 50 year olds.
I’m more annoyed by these hipstery patches of beard middle aged people seem to gravitate towards, just under the lower lip. I think Martin Barre is an offender and I certainly have one or two friends who think it makes them look cool. It doesn’t – just in need of a razor.
It reminds me of Lenny Henry on Tiswas, done out as Trevor McDoughnut, coming face to face with the real Trevor McDonald and espying that little patch under his lower lip. “Oh that’s beard…. I always thought it was dirt!”
And how do we feel about man buns? No.1 son, 39, is sporting one as he does an epic backpack round South America. Despite my fears, he hasn’t once been arrested for looking ridiculous.
There’s a chap on the darts on telly right now. He’s called Simon ‘The Wizard’ Whitlock and his mullet incorporating a huge dreadlock ponytail means he could be identified as an Australian from space.
Top knots look bloody silly whatever the age of the wearer, but on a sliding scale from mildly patronising amusement at millenials to full blown scorn as age increases, maxing out by around 40.
Don’t get me started on facial ironmongery, that just looks sad and desperate at any age.
No, but neither are beards on young men. Live and let live, that’s what I mutter darkly inside.
Probably not, but as I get older I am increasingly attracted to a Mad Old Bloke – bald on top and long grey tresses round the sides or whatever.
That’s very forthright of you Twang. Is the Mad Old Bloke aware of your affections? You could discuss it on ‘Loose Afterworders’.
Is he the new version of Jasper Carrot’s “Nutter on the Bus”
I think guys with ponytails should be required to free the locks at gigs. There’s a time for flying hair, and that’s when one is in the living presence of Messrs Rock and Roll.
Yes, but if you just cut them off and hand the ‘pony’ to them, they could wave them about with one hand whilst waving their lighter (or iPhone) about with the other hand.
Or clutching their zimmer.
A good trick is to have long hair for a while in middle age. Then when you do get it cut, you automatically look so much younger. Perhaps that’s what they’re all up to.
Well yes, that would work. But I’m in an Apidistra and Hatstand at the moment and I am looking at a bunch of four guys, all bald, each occasionally flicking their ‘pony’s’ in the fashion of young wimmins’. I am astonished at this ‘self awareness’ in what I think are late 50 year olds.
I’m more annoyed by these hipstery patches of beard middle aged people seem to gravitate towards, just under the lower lip. I think Martin Barre is an offender and I certainly have one or two friends who think it makes them look cool. It doesn’t – just in need of a razor.
Quite right Colin, these too. They look utterly orange after they’ve finished their tomato soup.
I call these Missed-a-bits based on the greeting you give to anyone you meet with one.
It reminds me of Lenny Henry on Tiswas, done out as Trevor McDoughnut, coming face to face with the real Trevor McDonald and espying that little patch under his lower lip. “Oh that’s beard…. I always thought it was dirt!”
It’s called a soul patch, isn’t it?
I thought a soul patch was about an inch square just under the bottom lip. Colin refers to a long strip right down the chin. They are daft though.
Sir Mick of Fleetwood?
Friar Fleetwoood I presume? His name was my first thought when I saw the thread. Looks like he’s living off scraps there.
Not sure who that is but this is the Macced one.
I really don’t know what attracts men to a career in rock’n’roll.
And how do we feel about man buns? No.1 son, 39, is sporting one as he does an epic backpack round South America. Despite my fears, he hasn’t once been arrested for looking ridiculous.
I wouldn’t worry, blokes down there go round in raffia pants with beermats stuck in their gobs.
You call them indigenous, I call them indecent.
There’s a chap on the darts on telly right now. He’s called Simon ‘The Wizard’ Whitlock and his mullet incorporating a huge dreadlock ponytail means he could be identified as an Australian from space.
As soon as I saw the title of this thread, my brain started playing the melody to “Both Sides Now”
Top knots look bloody silly whatever the age of the wearer, but on a sliding scale from mildly patronising amusement at millenials to full blown scorn as age increases, maxing out by around 40.
Don’t get me started on facial ironmongery, that just looks sad and desperate at any age.
I have a ginger pony-tail and wear a bandana. Full house.
You are Axel Rose and I claim my Scottish fiver. (actually, talking about axes ….).
Isn’t the title of this thread the opening line of a rather sad song?
Possibly a translation of something by Jacques Brel?
Actually, scrap that. I’ve sussed it.
An alternative set of lyrics to this.
Ponytails on aging males
Do not pass go, go straight to jail
How could we permit such bad behaviour?
I was hearing it sung to the tune of Both Sides Now
Ponytails on aging males
And other sorry barber fails,
And feather grey-locks combed over,
I’ve looked at scalps that way…